Showing posts with label kids birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids birthday. Show all posts

Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 17th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters. I'm hoping to created little "snapshots" of their personalities that they can look back on see how special they were to me at every stage of their lives. Today, I'm sharing the birthday letter I wrote for my middle son on his 17th birthday.

My sweet boy,

As you turn 17, I can't help but think about how close you are getting to adulthood. Before you reach your next birthday, you will graduate from high school, and start a whole new journey. For now, I will treasure every moment I have left with you living under my roof. You are a special boy, and I couldn't be more proud to be your mother.

  • Hockey and golf are your passions, and you work hard to be the best you can be at both. I'm proud of your positive attitude, team mentality, and personal effort.
  • You are one of the most empathetic and loyal people I know. I'm not surprised that you have so many great friends.
  • A few weeks ago you got your licence, and you are enjoying the increased independence. It's stressful for me, but you are a really good driver.
  • You are enjoying your job at the golf course with your brother, and you are an excellent employee.
  • You love chicken broccoli pesto pasta, cereal, and gummy bears.
I love how close you and your brothers are, and I love when we all spend time together. I hope you enjoy our family movie nights and vacations as much as I do.

Continue to be the kind, strong-willed, hardworking, smart, active, loving boy that you are. 

I love you to the moon and back!

Mom xox

Birthday Letter for my Youngest Son on his 15th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a birthday letter. My hope is to create a "snapshot" of their personalities each year. Today, my youngest son turns 15, and here is his birthday letter.

To my Sweet Boy:

As I watch you and your brothers grow up, your birthdays seem to hit me the hardest. You are my "last" everything... the last boy to call me Mommy, the last boy to start school, the last boy to turn 15, etc... Time goes by too quickly, and I am trying to enjoy every moment.

As I reflect on the past year, I'm reminded of some of the things that make you the most special 15 year old boy on the planet:

  • Your confidence is growing every day, and I'm so proud of how far you have come. The little boy who cried every day I dropped him off at preschool has been replaced by an independent young man that confidently headed off to live in residence at StFX last week.
  • You love Crispers, multi-grain Wheat Thins, Froot Roll Ups (which you only get on your birthday and at Christmas) and Honey Bunches of Oats cereal. You also love pancakes... especially the first ones to come out of the pan.
  • Hockey continues to be your passion, and you are working hard to become the best goalie you can be. Dad and I love to watch you play... even though it is stressful for your mother.
  • You love hanging out with your brothers and cousins... especially on vacation, at the rink or on the golf course.
  • You love being at home with your family (just like your mother). You are a big fan of playing board games, "fat bat" in the yard, watching movies, and listening to music in your room.

As you inch closer to independence and adulthood, you should know that you'll always be my "baby".

Love you to the moon and back,


A FINAL Birthday Letter to my Oldest Son on his 18th Birthday

When my boys were little, I decided to write them birthday letters every year on the day they were born. My goal was to create a "snap shot" of their personalities at the different stages of their childhoods. Today, my oldest son turns 18. As he enters adulthood, I am writing my LAST birthday letter to him. It's amazing how quickly time passes! 😭

To my oldest boy,

I literally can't believe that my first baby is an adult. I guess it's true that time flies when you are having fun -- and it has been an absolute joy watching you grow up. I couldn't be more proud of the wonderful human you have become. Being your mother is a blessing I don't take for granted. 💗

Here are a few of the reasons you are fantastic:

  • You are smart, kind, and friendly. Dad and I joke that you are the "Mayor of Antigonish" because you are always chatting with people everywhere we go.
  • You are a hard worker, and never complain about all the things you have on your plate. You excel academically, you have two jobs, you play competitive hockey, and you still find time to volunteer and have fun with your friends.
  • You are a great big brother. The three of you have a lot of fun together, and you set a wonderful example for them.
  • You love: pasta, steak, pizza, peanut butter on homemade white rolls, and Reeses peanut butter cups. You also love the Toronto Maple Leafs!
  • You graduated from high school this year and "killed" your Valedictorian speech. I was very proud!
  • You started university, and are embracing the new experience. I can't wait to see where your new path takes you!

You may be a legal adult, but you will always be my first baby. I love you to the moon and back!


Mom xox

A Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 16th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a letter. The intent is to keep a written record of their childhood and their growth from year to year. A love the tradition of creating annual "snapshots" of my boys. Today, my middle son turns 16, and here is his birthday letter.

To my sweet boy,

I can't believe you are turning 16, and you're going to be driving a car. It's amazing to me that my adorable, curly-haired toddler is growing into a young man. Although I wish time would slow down a bit, I'm so proud of the awesome human you are becoming. Here are a few reasons you are the best 16 year old in the world.
  • You got your first job this year, and you are loving it... especially getting a paycheque. :-)
  • You continue to love being active and love playing anything with a ball or a puck... but hockey is still your favourite.
  • You are stubborn and love to argue with me, but you are one of the most empathetic people I know. Your heart is huge!
  • You love pasta, pancakes, cereal, and gummy bears.
  • You are 6' 3", and you love to tell me how short I am. (Brat!)
You are smart and kind, and I couldn't be more proud to be your mom. I love you to the moon and back!

Mom xox

A Birthday Letter to my Youngest Son on his 14th Birthday

As those of you that have been with me for a while know, I always write letters to my boys on their birthdays. It's my way of creating a "written snapshot" of them each year. Today, I'm sharing my annual birthday letter to my youngest son on his 14th birthday.

My sweet "baby" boy,

Because you are my youngest, I find it hard to think about you inching toward adulthood... but here we are. I can hardly believe you are 14 and headed to high school in the fall. Time really does pass far too quickly.

Although it is difficult to see you getting older, I could not be more proud of the funny, increasingly independent, and sweet young man that you becoming. Here are a few reasons you are the best 14 year old in the world:

  • You are such a clown. You are always making Dad, your brothers, and I laugh with your quirky antics.
  • You are brave. New situations have always made you anxious, but you never let it hold you back. I don't know how you manage the mental stress of being a goalie, but you are getting better at it with every coming year. (I think I am more stressed than you at this point! lol)
  • This year, you loved shopping for our new car with Dad. You've loved cars since you were a baby, so I guess nothing has really changed. 😀
  • You have a passion for sports. You play anything with a puck or ball whenever you get a chance.
  • Your favourite foods are: pasta, pancakes, crackers, Froot Roll Ups (which you only get a Christmas and on your birthday), Crispers, and cookies and cream chocolate bars.
  • You give a lot of reluctant "side hugs" lately... but you still humour me with a cuddle on the couch during movie night.
I'm so blessed and grateful to be your mother. You may be another year older, but you'll always be my "baby". I love you to the moon and back.

Mom xox

Happy Birthday to my Oldest Son on his 17th Birthday

When my boys were little, I started a tradition of writing Christmas letters to my boys on their birthdays. My hope is that they can always find their letters on my blog and know how much I loved being their mom--at every stage of their lives. Today I share my letter to my oldest son on his 17th birthday.

Dear Cameron,

As you turn 17, and look forward to your graduation in June, I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems like I was just holding your hands as you learned to walk, and now you are driving yourself around. You are a very good driver, but it sure was scary seeing you pull out of the driveway on your own the first few times. 😊

I'm so proud of the young man you are becoming, and can't wait to see what the next chapter of your life brings for you. I know you'll do great! 

Here are some of the things that make you the special 17 year old that you are:

  • You aren't afraid to try something new. This year you joined the high school basketball team even though you have never played organized basketball before.
  • You still love hockey. You love watching it, playing it, talking about it, and reffing it. 
  • You are really starting to love golf. You got a job at the golf course and joined the golf team at school.
  • You love to spend time with your family, friends, and teammates. You especially love your summer vacations in PEI with your Ottawa cousins and your all your adventures with your Halifax cousins.
  • You are a fantastic student. I never see you stressed, and your time management skills are impressive. I can't wait to see how you apply these skills in university next year.
Even though you are almost ready to leave home, you will always be my baby, and I will cherish every day I have left with you under my roof. I love you to the moon and back!


A Birthday Letter for my Middle Son on his 15th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a letter. My intent is to create a yearly "snapshot" of their personalities. It's my version of a "baby book". 😀 Today, I am sharing my birthday letter to my middle son on his 15th birthday.

To my spunky, thoughtful, and sweet middle son,

When you were little, people told me "the days are long but the years are short"... and truer words were never spoken. I can barely believe my sweet little boy (who walked before he crawled) is now a 15 year old boy turning into a man before my eyes. 

You keep me on my toes, but I couldn't be more proud to be your mom. Here are some of the reasons you are the most special 15 year old in the world:
  • After not making the hockey team you wanted to make last year, you worked hard to make it this year... and then you broke your arm. You were disappointed, but you handled the situation with the positive attitude you always adopt when faced with adversity. 
  • You enjoy running around the yard and neighbourhood with your brothers, playing basketball with your buddies in the school yard, playing a round of golf with friends and family, and being part of a hockey team. If you are moving, you are happy.
  • Friday nights are your favourite. You love pancakes for supper (with chocolate chips), cuddling with your family for a movie, and munching on gummy bears.
  • You have the best memory for movies I have ever witnessed. You know all the details and backstories related to every Marvel, Star Wars, and Harry Potter movie ever made.
  • When it comes to school... you are a perfectionist and a procrastinator. I'm pretty sure that if you master time management, you'll be able to take over the world. 😜
  • You are 6'2" and skinny as a rake... though with the way you eat (especially Shreddies with milk), I'm pretty sure you have a lot more growing to do.
  • You are stubborn, sensitive, spunky, thoughtful, and sweet... and you always have a twinkle in your eye.

I love you to the moon and back! You are a special boy, and I'm so grateful and blessed to have you as my son.

Lots of Love,
Mom xox

A Birthday Letter to My Youngest Son on his 13th Birthday

With three boys under four, I was not very good at keeping baby books up to date... especially for my youngest. lol So, many years ago I started writing annual letters to my boys on their birthdays. My hope is that I'll capture "snapshots" of my boys' personalities each year. Someday, they'll be able to read through their letters and understand how much I've enjoyed being their mother through every stage of their lifes. Today, I'm sharing my birthday letter to my youngest son on his 13th birthday.

To my sweet "baby" boy,

I can hardly believe that you are 13. Seriously, it seems like only yesterday you were taking your first step and picking up your first "mini stick". Now, you are heading into your last year in the junior school and starting your first year of Bantam hockey. 

I'm super proud of the young man you are becoming, and here are just some of the reasons you are a special boy:

  • You always have interesting facts to share -- random thoughts of things you wonder about, things you've learned at school, and trivia you have read. I love how your mind works!
  • You love everything about being a goalie -- the gear, the practices, and the game. I love to watch you play, even though I sometimes find it stressful. I'm super-proud of the physical and mental effort you put in.
  • You had your first (and hopefully last) broken bone. You were so sad to miss hockey… but you were tough. 😊
  • Crackers are your favourite food. You also love all dressed Crispers and Froot Roll Ups.
  • Playing with your brothers is your favourite activity, and I love seeing you playing in the yard, shooting hoops, and heading to the golf course together. You are definitely best buddies! (You love spending time with your friends and cousins too.)
  • You are smart and funny. You have a quirky sense of humour, and you aren't afraid to be silly. I love your dance moves -- especially "the gritty".
  • You enjoy all sports, but hockey is definitely your #1 -- though your love of golf is growing with every round.
  • You give the best cuddles and foot rubs, and your smile lights up your eyes.
You may be a teenager, but you'll always be my "baby". I love you to the moon and back!

Lots of love,

Mom xox

A Birthday Letter to my Oldest Son (on his 16th birthday)

Every year, on each of my boys' birthdays, I write them a letter. My hope is that I can capture a "snap chat" of their personalities each year. Today, my oldest son turns 16, and I can hardly believe it! Here's his birthday letter.

My sweet first born son,

It seems like only yesterday you were a baby in my arms, and now you are getting ready to drive and only one year away from graduating from high school. I honestly can not believe how quickly the years are flying by.

It's sad for me to see my little boy slipping away, but I couldn't be prouder of the young man that you are becoming. I am grateful every day that I get to be your mom.

  • You LOVE sports... especially golf and hockey, but you have many other interests as well. You especially enjoy: playing outside with your brothers, hockey pools and video games with your buddies, playing guitar, reffing, movie nights, and spending time with family.

  • You've faced the adversity of multiple broken bones over these past few years, but you focussed on your diet and fitness, and you are having a great hockey season. Your positive attitude and strong work ethic make me so proud of you!

  • You are a master of time management. You make balancing sports, school, and social activities look effortless.

  • Your brothers are your best buddies, you love your cousins, and you have tons of friends. 

  • Peanut butter sandwiches, pasta, and steak are your favourite foods. You love the Toronto Maple Leafs, Auston Matthews is your favourite hockey player, and your hockey number is 34.

Happy birthday my darling boy. You may be turning into an adult and driving a car, but you'll always be my first baby. I love you to the moon and back!




A Birthday Letter to My Middle Son on his 14th Birthday

When my boys were little, I started a tradition of writing them each "birthday letters" on their birthdays. I love that they will always have annual literary "snapshots" of their personalities as they grow into young men. Today, I am sharing the letter I wrote to my middle son for his 14th birthday.

My sweet boy,

I can't believe that my crazy, curly-haired, spunky toddler has turned into a giant 14 year old (who now towers over his mother). As you head to high school, I hope that you continue to be the same sweet boy (with the sparkle in his eyes). Here are a few of the things that make you the most special 14 year old in the whole world

* Even though you are taller than me (just shy of 6 feet), you still like to sit on my lap during movie night. It's not the most comfortable for me, but I will never ask you to stop. 😀

* You have a huge heart and continue to be one of the most sensitive, empathetic people I know. 

* You are soooo easy-going... until you come up against something you believe is not right. Then, you become super-stubborn. As a mother, it's not always easy to deal with, but I know it's a quality that will serve you well in life.

* You have a wonderful, positive attitude, a dry/mature sense of humour, and a fun spirit. You treat all people with kindness, and because of this, people love to be around you. You are a loyal brother, son, and friend.

* You enjoy being outside, and you really love playing basketball, golf, and hockey. You especially love being part of a team.

* You conquered another year living through a pandemic, and although you missed a bit of school and hockey, you took it all in stride. I think you actually enjoyed the extra downtime with your family.

You are strong-willed, helpful, "go with the flow", and kind-hearted. I'm so proud of the boy you are, and I look forward to seeing the man you will become. I love you to the moon and back!


Mom xoxo

A Birthday Letter to my Youngest Son on his 12th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a "birthday letter". My goal is to create an annual "written snapshot" that captures each boy's personality. I want my boys to know how much I love them, and how much a treasure EVERY year I get to be their mom. Today, I'm sharing the letter I wrote my youngest son today... on his 12th birthday.

My sweet "baby" boy,

As you turn 12, I realize that you are almost a teenager, but as my youngest son, you will always be my baby boy. ðŸ˜€

I could never put into words how much you mean to me, but here are a few of the reasons you are so special to me:

* You finished your second year as a goalie, and I'm so proud of how far you have come. I'm proud of your skill improvement, but I am even more proud of the way you have learned to handle the stress and adversity that comes with the position. As a sensitive and competitive person, I know being a goalie isn't always easy, but you are growing with every practice and every game... and I'm super-proud of your effort.

* This is the second year that you are celebrating your birthday during a pandemic, and I am impressed (again) by the resiliency you have shown. You wore a mask, you had a few weeks locked down in our house without friends, you flipped from school -- to home school -- and back to school again. You followed the rules, and you kept a positive attitude. In fact, you seemed to enjoy the extra time at home with your family... especially when we turned our house into "fake Florida". 

* You tried "intensive French" at school this year, and you did great. You faced your fears and anxiety around public speaking and failure, and you thrived. You are really brave. 

You are extremely goofy and funny. Your quirky sense of humour keeps us all laughing. I love that you aren't afraid to be silly.

You love playing with your brothers, your cousins, and your friends. You especially love being active -- always up for any game with a ball or a puck.

You love to quietly observe situations, you are a great judge of character, and you ask insightful questions. 

Your favourite colour is green, you love hockey and golf, and your favourite foods are multi grain crackers, all dressed Crispers, and Froot Roll Ups.

You give the best cuddles and foot rubs.

As you turn 12, I hope you know that you are a very special boy. I'm so proud of the young man you are becoming, and I love you to the moon and back!


Mom xoxo

A Birthday Letter to my Oldest Boy on his 15th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters letting them know how special they are to me. I think of the letters as written "snapshots" of the previous year, and I hope my words capture a little bit of my boys' personalities on paper. Today, I am sharing a birthday letter for my oldest son on his 15th birthday.

My sweet first born son,

It seems like only yesterday you were a baby in my arms, and now you are only a few years away from graduating high school. I honestly can not believe how quickly the years are flying by.

It's sad for me to see my little boy slipping away, but I couldn't be more proud of the young man that you are becoming. I am grateful every day that I get to be your mom.

  • This year we lived through a pandemic, and you adapted to it perfectly. You missed your sports, but found other ways to fill your days. You played outside with your brothers, you organized a study group and homeschooled with your buddies, you learned to cook, you played guitar, and you travelled the Atlantic bubble with your family.
  • You broke your arm in two places, and I couldn't believe you broke another bone (the third in three years). You were heartbroken (as was I), but you quickly turned your focus to the things you had control over. You focussed on your diet and fitness, you took a reffing course, and you continued to practice with your hockey team. Your positive attitude and strong work ethic make me so proud of you!
  • Your brothers are your best buddies, you love your cousins, and you have tons of friends. 
  • Peanut butter sandwiches, spaghetti, and steak are your favourite foods. You love the Toronto Maple Leafs, Auston Matthews is your favourite hockey player, and your hockey number is 34.
Happy birthday my darling boy. You may be turning into an adult, but you'll always be my first baby. I love you to the moon and back!




Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on His 13th Birthday

Every year, I take a little time to write my boys letters on their birthdays. The annual letters are my way of remembering exactly what they are like at each stage of their lives. I hope someday they will look back at their letters and see how special they were and how much I loved every year I got to spend with them. Today, my middle son turns 13... and here is his letter.

My sweet boy:

As you become a teenager, I can't help but wonder how you grew up so fast. I often think of you as a spunky toddler with crazy curls, but now you are almost as tall as I am. Time is passing quickly, but I am so proud of the young man you are growing up to be. Here are a few of the things that make you the special boy you are:

  • You are thoughtful and sensitive, and you are one of the most empathetic kids I know. I love your big heart.
  • You have a sparkle in your eyes, a fun spirit and a positive attitude.
  • You enjoy playing outside, being active, and being part of a team. You love hockey, golf, and basketball... anything with a ball or puck.
  • You dealt with living during a pandemic this year, and you handled it really well. Homeschooling was a bit of an adjustment, and you missed your friends, but you enjoyed the flexible schedule and the extra time with your family.
  • You love LEGO, the Toronto Maple Leafs, and playing with your friends, cousins, and brothers.
  • Even though you are 5'5", you still love to sit on my lap, cuddle me, and give me hugs. I hope it lasts!
You are stubborn when you feel strongly about something, but you are also very "go with the flow" and easy to get along with. Your balanced personality and kind heart will serve you well in life. I can't wait to see what you become.

I love you to the moon and back!



Birthday Letter to My Youngest Son on His 11th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a letter. My hope is that each letter is a snapshot that captures each boy's personality at this point in time. I want them to know how much I love them and how proud I am at each stage of their lives. Today, I am sharing the letter I wrote to my youngest son today... on his 11th birthday.

My sweet boy:

Your birthdays are particularly tough for me, because as my "baby", you are my last chance to enjoy each age and stage of being a mother. It is bittersweet though because the older you get, the more special you become, and the more I cherish my time with you.

Here are some of the things that make you the awesome 11 year old you are:

  • You tried being a goalie for the first time this year. I always hesitated to let you try because I know how sensitive you are, but you did great. You learned a lot about hard work and adversity, and I know you will carry these lessons with you through the rest of your life.
  • You dealt with living through a pandemic. You impressed me with how well you adjusted to the seismic shift in your schedule and your life. It is a crazy time we are living in, but you are handling it really well.
  • You still like to have me read you stories at bedtime. I know this is something that will come to an end soon (and without warning), so I will continue to treasure this special time we have together... for as long as it lasts.
  • You had a great year at school. Every year you gain a little more academic and social confidence. I know it is something you work out, and I am super-proud of your efforts.
  • You are a clown with a quirky and clever sense of humor. You are always making Dad, your brothers and I laugh... and when you get giggling... I sometimes wonder if you will ever stop.
  • You love playing with your friends, your brothers, and your cousins.
  • You really love playing outside. Some of your favorite activities are: riding your bike, playing street hockey, making trick shot videos with your brothers, playing golf, and shooting baskets.
  • You have a wonderful way of quietly observing a situation and asking thoughtful questions.
  • You love multi grain crackers and fruit roll ups.
  • You give the best cuddles.
I know this year (with Covid restrictions in place) your birthday is a little different, and you won't be having the big party you are used to, but I hope you still have a fantastic day. You are a special boy, and the sweetest 11 year old in the whole world. I love you to the moon and back!

Happy birthday!



Taking a Vacation... without leaving the house

Yesterday, my family was scheduled to travel to Florida on vacation, but our trip was cancelled due to Covid 19 restrictions. We were all looking forward to our vacation and to spending time with my extended family. Because we were all a little sad, we decided to plan a "fake vacation" at home. We put up some decorations, decided on a fun menu and planned a special activity. It was a simple celebration, but we ended up having a wonderful evening.

We started by putting up some decorations to transform our house into "fake Florida".

I draped the chairs and table with beach towels and hung some dollar store leis from the light fixture.

We also dug out photos and photo albums from past trips. Reminiscing about past vacations is always a lot of fun.

We had this foam core shark head from a past birthday party, so we dug it out and put it to use.

We also decorated with a pool noodle palm tree, a cardstock yellow sun, and some pictures (of oranges, flamingos, and alligators) coloured by my kids.

Once our decor was in place, we planned our special menu and activities

We had milkshakes in Disney mugs with cocktail umbrellas.

I also made snack packs for the kids. (These are the treat boxes the boys traditionally pack in their carry on bags when we go on special trips, so they seemed like fitting snacks to serve.)

Then, we hung a bed sheet in our living room, set up our projector, and gathered to watch a movie and a YouTube video of Disney fireworks. It wasn't the same as being there, but we still enjoyed it. (You can find the video we watched here.) 

We are hoping to go on a real vacation soon, but for now, we are making the best of our current situation. Taking a vacation without leaving the house really is a fun way to spend an evening as a family. I wonder where we should go next! 

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Check out the little video we made to show you a bit more about what we did...


A Birthday Letter to my Oldest Son on his 14th birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them "Birthday Letters". The purpose of the letters is to create verbal "snapshots" of their personalities at every age. I hope some day my boys will look back at their letters, get a glimpse of how special they were (and are), and know how much I loved them at every stage of their childhood. Today, I am sharing the letter I wrote for my oldest son on his 14th birthday.

Dear Cameron,

As you turn 14, I am overwhelmed by the feeling that the time I have with you living in my home is running short. The years are going by too quickly, and I am trying my best to appreciate every minute with you. I am so proud of the young man you have become, and I feel blessed to be your mother. Here are some of the reasons you are my favourite 14 year old in the whole world:

  • You are a great big brother. You set a wonderful example for your brothers, and I love how much fun you have together.
  • You are always up for an adventure. This year we went on a family cruise, and you loved it!
  • You are hardworking and clever, and you put 110% into everything you do. You train hard for hockey, and you are organized and focused when it comes to your education.
  • You inspire me with how you react to adversity. After missing your hockey season last year with a broken collar bone, you broke your elbow. Although it was devastating, you handled it well, and dedicated yourself to recovery.
  • Your favourite sport is hockey, and you are a die-hard Toronto Maple Leafs fan. You had the chance to attend a game last week, and you LOVED it!
  • You love your brothers and your family, and you have a lot of fantastic friends.
  • You love peanut butter sandwiches, turkey dinner, steak, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate chip cookies (hot out of the oven).
  • You are kind, thoughtful and helpful. You sold cookie jars this summer and gave $1 from each jar to Cystic Fibrosis. You also raised money for charity by selling some of your belongings and running a "letter writing to Santa" fundraiser.

You are a wonderful human, and I love you all the way to the moon. Even though I know you are growing up (and I get fewer hugs than I used to), you'll always be my "first baby".


A Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 12th Birthday

Every year, on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters letting them know how special they are to me. I think of the letters as written "snapshots" of the previous year. I hope I am able to capture a little bit of their personalities on paper. Today, I am sharing a birthday letter for my middle son on his 12th birthday.

My Darling Middle Son,

You are a bright light with a big heart and eyes that sparkle. You add a fun and positive energy to our family, and I am blessed to be able to be your mother. Here are some of things that make you special:

  • You make friends easily, and you are kind to everyone you meet. You draw people in with your easy going personality.
  • You suffered the loss of a very special friend this year. Your heart was broken, but you are bravely moving forward. I am so proud of you, and I know your memories will remain with you for the rest of your life and make you a better person.
  • You love to be on the move. Hockey is your favourite sport, but you are pretty much a fan of anything with a ball or puck.
  • We went on a family cruise this year, and you had a great time. You are always up for a new adventure... especially when you are with your brothers and cousins.
  • You love listening to music, and you know the words to an incredible number of songs. You also have an excellent memory when it comes to the plots of Avenger movies.
  • You are great at figuring out how things work, and you really enjoy building with LEGO.
  • You have no sense of urgency. You take your time with everything, and you love to say, "Just a few more minutes."
  • You love to cuddle, and have no problem hugging me in front of your friends. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it while I can get it!
You are strong-willed, and you sometimes drive me crazy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Your big heart and sparkling personality will take you far, and I'll always be your biggest cheerleader.



A Birthday Letter to my Youngest Son... on his 10th birthday

Every year, I take some time to write my boys letters on their birthdays. The annual letters are my way of remembering exactly what they are like at each stage of their lives. I hope someday they look back at their letters and see how special they were and how much I loved every year I got to spend with them. Today, my youngest son turns 10... and here is his letter.

My dearest "baby" boy,

I can't believe you are in double digits. It seems like only yesterday we dropped your older brothers off at school and spent our days having adventures together. I loved the hours we spent reading stories and playing with your farm when you were little, but I am having a lot of fun with you now too. Here are some of the reasons I love you to the moon and back:

  • You were a boy who started elementary full of shyness and anxiety, and this coming September you are headed to Junior High School with a new found confidence. I am so proud of how far you have come.
  • You have lots of friends, but your brothers and cousins have a special place in your heart.
  • I'm still in awe of your unique way of quietly observing the world. You always ask the best questions.
  • You are super-funny. We especially love when you put on your housecoat, hang your medals around your neck, and rap.
  • You love all things sports... especially hockey, softball, basketball, and golf. You also love to ride your bike.
  • Your favourite food is multi grain wheat thin crackers. I buy you one box a week, and you usually eat them in one sitting.
  • Green is your favourite colour, you love when I read you stories (in a soft voice) at bedtime, and you look forward to our Friday night family movie nights.
  • You love sleep. You often ask to go to bed when you are tired... which is good because you get pretty cranky when you are overtired.
  • You give the best cuddles (and I have my fingers crossed that you let me tuck you in and read you stories for many years to come).
Even though you are in double digits now, you will always be my baby boy. Happy 10th birthday, sweet boy!



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