Elf on the Shelf Tip {for busy moms and dads}

The moment every parent dreads... the moment you realize that your Elf on the Shelf is in the same spot in the morning that he/she was in the night before.

GOOD NEWS... you can let your kids know (and I have it on good authority from Santa) that sometimes the Elf on the Shelf returns to the same spot after his/her long trip to the North Pole.  There are times when a spot in the house is just so much fun that an Elf on the Shelf likes to spend two days in it.

So there ya go... one less thing to worry about this holiday season.  :-)

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Remembrance Day Craft for Kids

Remembrance Day is a special day to honour the veterans that have served our country. It is important to me that my kids understand the sacrifices that have been made by veterans on their behalf. Making a remembrance day craft is a great way to honour November 11th, and spending time crafting together provides a special opportunity to talk to kids about gratitude and remembrance. 

Cute, right?  You can find the full tutorial here.

Happy Remembrance Day!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Harry Potter Glasses and Ties with free printable templates

I am in the middle of planning a Harry Potter party for my seven year old, and I thought it would be fun if all the guests had their own Harry Potter tie and glasses. Of course, I had to come up with something inexpensive, so I made mine from card stock. Cute, right?

To make the Harry Potter ties, download the template here, print it onto card stock, and have the children color the ties with crayons. Then, punch two holes in the tie, add some reinforcements, and tie on some elastic (so that the kids can easily put the ties around their necks).

To make Harry Potter glasses, download the template here, print the glasses onto card stock, and cut them out. Then, add a piece of pipe cleaner to each side.

Feel free to pin this post and share it with friends, but please don't link directly to the downloads. Thanks so much, and enjoy your Harry Potter glasses and ties!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Elf on the Shelf North Pole Hot Chocolate

I know there are a lot of people who are collecting Elf on the Shelf ideas, so I thought I would share a fun Elf on the Shelf idea that didn't make it to the blog last year.  Our Elf on the Shelf brought my boys some special hot chocolate from the North Pole.

This hot chocolate is like a regular can of hot chocolate you can buy in the grocery store, but this one has an adorable label that shows that it is a special blend from the North Pole... and trust me... Santa knows how to make some delicious hot chocolate.  You can download a copy of the label here.  (Feel free to "Pin" and share this idea, but please don't link directly to the download... thank you.)

Do you think your little one would enjoy warming up with this yummy treat from your Elf on the Shelf?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Easiest Way to Cook Squash

With my family's busy schedules, I am always looking for shortcuts when it comes to making meals.  So today, I am sharing my secret for the easiest squash ever.

Here's what I do:

1)  I use a sharp knife to cut a buttercup squash into quarters, and then I carefully cut off the peeling.  

2)  I cut the quarters into smaller pieces and place them in a microwave safe dish.

3)  I cover the dish and use the sensor setting on my microwave to cook it.  (In my microwave, it cooks at 75% for about 12 minutes.)

4)  When it is finished, I drain out all the excess water, add a little butter, and mash it.

I often cut it up ahead of time, and keep it in the fridge.  Then, at dinner time, I just need to pop it into the microwave.  I just love squash, don't you?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Magical Stories and A Free Bookmark

Recently, I watched the classic Disney film Peter Pan with my boys.  It got me thinking about children's books, storybook heroes, and magical adventures.  

I love the story of Peter Pan.  I think it is a great celebration of childhood and the idea that anything is possible.  There is nothing I love better than cuddling on the couch with my boys and reading them a fantastic story, and with this in mind, I have created a story discussion bookmark that you can print and share with your little ones.

This bookmark is adorable, and it is a great way to prompt some discussion with your children after you have finished reading them a story. You can download this bookmark {for free} here.

J.M. Barrie said, "The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."  I hope my boys believe in magical adventures forever!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

“Disclosure:  I’m part of the Disney Junior Mom program andI receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinionson this blog are my own.”

Review and Giveaway - South Hill Designs (CLOSED)

*This contest is now closed.  Thank you to everyone that took the time to enter.  The winner is Laura Snow.

As you know, I don't do a lot of giveaways on this blog, but when Amy from South Hill Designs contacted me about doing a giveaway, I didn't hesitate for a second.  I LOVE her adorable jewellery!  Here's the necklace she made for me...

Isn't it sweet?  I love a piece of jewellery that is customizable, and this necklace is too cute for words.  You pick out a locket, and then you pick out charms that fit inside.  Here are the charms I selected...

I chose charms that reflected my personality.  I selected:

  •  birthstones for each of my boys
  • a "Hockey Mom" charm because I spend most of my time at the rink
  • a coffee cup because I love coffee and couldn't survive without it
  • a camera because I love taking pictures of my boys and sharing pictures on my blog
  • pink flip flops because I love the beach, and this charm reminds me of vacations I have taken with my family... and it is nice to have something pink in my house full of boys!  :-)
So... do you want a chance to win your very own necklace (worth $50)?  All you need to do is leave a comment below letting me know which charm is your favorite.  You can check out the website here to see all that Amy has to offer.  (Also, she has periodic promotions and giveaways, so you should totally check out her facebook page here.)

I think these necklaces would make fantastic Christmas gifts, and if you agree, you should contact Amy ASAP.  She is offering my readers a free charm with any purchase of $50 or more (before taxes and shipping).  Just email Amy at muis.amy@gmail.com with your free charm selection once you have placed your order, and it will arrive separately.

Good luck with the contest!  I can't wait to hear about the beautiful necklace the winner selects.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Rules {I am a mom... I can't help it}:
  1. The winner of the contest will be chosen by the Random Number Generator.
  2. To enter the contest, you must leave a comment on this post.  Contest is open to Canadian and US residents only.
  3. This contest is not being hosted or sanctioned in any way by facebook.
  4. Contest closes on November 15, 2013 at 11:59pm.
  5. Prize will be accepted as awarded.
  6. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond.  After 48 hours the prize will be forfeited, and another winner will be selected. 
Please note:  I was provided with this product (free of charge) for reviewing purposes only.  No monetary compensation was received, and all opinions are 100% my own. 

Halloween 2013

Just a quick post to say, "Happy Halloween!"  And, of course, I couldn't resist sharing a picture of my adorable boys in their Halloween costumes.

Last night, we carved our pumpkins, and planted our magic pumpkin seeds.  Both activities were a success!

Then, this morning, my boys headed to school in their Halloween shirts. 

And after hockey practice, we headed out into the neighbourhood to trick-or treat.  Isn't Halloween a fun holiday for little ones?  I hope you all had a very Happy Halloween with your little pumpkins!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

5 Ways to Control the Halloween Candy

I love Halloween, but I do not love the insane amount of chocolate, chips and candy that comes into my house.  So, today I thought I would share 5 ideas for controlling the candy.

1)  The Book Fairy - In our house, we have a system we have been using for years. First, as soon as my boys get home, they empty their three bags of loot into one big pile, and each boy is given a large Ziploc bag. Then, they take turns picking their favorites from the pile and putting them in their bags. They have a lot of fun trying to choose their candy wisely and trading with each other. The “candy draft” is one of our favorite Halloween traditions.

After all the boys have filled their bags, the rest of the candy is taken away. The next evening, we put the bag beside the front door for the Book Fairy. While the boys are sleeping, the Book Fairy takes the bag of candy and leaves each boy a new book. The Book Fairy has also been known to leave new costumes for our dress up box. I think she must get good deals on costumes when they are marked down by 75% after Halloween. (Book Fairies love bargains!)

2)  Bake with it - Add Smarties or chopped up chocolate bars to your favorite chocolate chip cookiebanana bread, or brownie recipe to create an extra special treat.

3)  Share it - Donate it to a children’s hospital or food bank, or bring it to work.

4)  Ration it - Putting it away and taking it out a little at a time is also an excellent option. If you have a family birthday coming up, the candy can be used for a party Pinata or loot bags. Halloween candy is also great for family movie nights, or making an edible Christmas advent countdown.

5)  Eat it - I confess... sometimes my husband and I snack on the kids candy after they have gone to bed. (Shhh… don’t tell my boys!)

Halloween is an exciting time for little ones, and it can still be fun without sending everyone into a sugar-induced coma.  What's your favorite way to deal with the mountain of Halloween candy?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Teacher Treat for Halloween

When you are putting together Halloween treats for your child's class, don't forget to include a special treat for the teacher.  Here's a "quick treat" you can put together in a few minutes.

Cute, right?

1) Start with a king size chocolate bar.
2) Wrap the bar in gauze or strips of cheese cloth... securing with tape or glue as you wrap it.
3) Use glue to attach two googly eyes.
4) Add a cute tag.

Putting some treats in an inexpensive Halloween wine glass is easy and fun too!

I'm sure your favorite teacher would love a little chocolate to help get through the afternoon. It's not a lot of effort, so why not take a few minutes to show a hard-working teacher that you appreciate all they do for your little one? Happy Halloween!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

5 Ways to Encourage Imaginative Play

Recently, Fisher Price sent me 5 of their new Little People® characters, and it got me thinking about how important it is for kids to use their imaginations when they play.  In an age of technology, I worry that my boys aren't going to benefit from play as much as my generation did.  So, today I am sharing 5 ways to encourage imaginative play:

1) Get crafting - Always have an array of craft supplies available.  Kids love to create, and crafting is a great way for little ones to express themselves.

2) Have a dress up box - Dressing up is a great way for kids to play and use their imaginations.  You'll be amazed by the adventures they go on when they put on a hat or costume.

3) Limit screen time - TVs and computers are fine in moderation, but young kids need lots of time to play, read, and use their imaginations.

4) Get outside - Remember when we were kids, and we spent a lot of time (outside) coming up with ways to amuse ourselves?  Little ones need to get outside, run around, build forts, and dig in the dirt. 

5) Provide the right toys - Toys that offer children the ability to use their imaginations and make up their own stories are fantastic.  I love our Little People®, toy kitchen, cash register, farm stuff, and cars.

All three of my boys played with the Fisher Price Little People®.  They are a great tool for imaginative play, and there are now FIVE new characters with their own characteristics (Eddie, Mia, Sofie, Tessa, and Koby) that you can read about here.  My boys love "Eddy" because he is an active boy (with lots of energy) who likes to go-go-go.  He also likes sports, running, jumping, and anything with a ball.  My boys are non-stop, and they love sports.  I think if I had a fourth son, his name would have to be Eddy.  :-)

You might also be interested to know that in October and November, Treehouse will hold the Little People, Big Discoveries contest.  Contestants will be able to play a hide and seek game to find new characters on playsets, watch the videos and be entered to win 1 of 5 $265 Little People Prize packs.  You can find all the details here.

There is nothing I love more than seeing my boys using their imaginations, making up stories, and pretending.  How do you encourage imaginative play in your house?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

“Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group; however, the opinions on this blog are 100% my own.”

Simple Halloween Cupcakes

When it comes to decorating cupcakes with my boys, I like to keep things simple.  I set everything out, I give them some options, and then I let them get to work.  Here is what they came up with yesterday:

For their creations, they used:  cupcakes, icing, Oreo cookie crumbs, candy corn, tombstone cookies, and gummy fingers.  

This was my favorite -- a simple tombstone cupcake.

To make tombstone cupcakes, we started by using icing to write "RIP" on some rectangle-shaped cookies.  Then, we frosted cupcakes, dipped them in Oreo cookie crumbs (dirt), and inserted tombstone cookies.  Cute, right?

My boys love decorating Halloween cupcakes.  Do you have a favorite Halloween treat that you make each year with your little ones?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

7 Fantastic DIY Halloween Decor Ideas

When it comes to decorating, Halloween is a really great holiday.  I like to keep my decorations easy, inexpensive and fun... nothing too scary.  Here is a collection of 7 fantastic DIY Halloween decorating ideas that are guaranteed to make your home SPOOKTACULAR!

1) Pool noodle wreath - This yarn-wrapped pool noodle wreath (with dollar store embellishments) is perfect to hang on your front door for Halloween.  All your trick-or-treaters will be impressed with your style and creativity.  You can find the full tutorial for this dollar store wreath here.

2) Candy corn vases - Add a little candy corn to a vase you already have.  There isn't an easier way to create  fun and festive Halloween decor. 

3) Toilet Paper Holder - This simple Halloween decor project transforms dollar store gloves into a frightfully funny toilet paper holder.  You can find the tutorial for this dollar store glove toilet paper holder here.

4) Water jug pumpkin - Recycle old water jugs into adorable glowing jack-o-lanterns with the help of a marker and some orange glow sticks.  You can find the instructions for making this water jug pumpkin here.

5) Framed spider - Take an 8X10 dollar store frame, add some scrapbook paper and mod podge, and glue on a glittery purple spider.  Easy peasy!  You can find the full step by step tutorial here.

6) Mod Podge signs - Create festive Halloween signs out of dollar store wooden plaques and Mod Podge.  Use your imagination to come up with something unique and fabulous.  You can find the directions for my signs here and here.

7) Spooky pictures and fun frames - Transform your little ones' pictures using Picmonkey.com, and they are sure to be amazed by your creativity.  Then, frame the pictures in cheap frames embellished with glittery dollar store spiders.  You can find the full instructions here

Bonus: Pool noodle witch legs -With a few supplies from the dollar store, you can make this adorable and whimsical piece of Halloween decor.  You can find the full instructions here.

I love to decorate with dollar store finds mixed with DIY projects, don't you?

What is your favorite Halloween decor color combination?  As you can tell, I have a weakness for all things glittery and purple.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

10 Halloween Traditions for Kids

Holiday traditions are such an important part of childhood.  The things you do every year as a child are often the things you remember as an adult.  So, today I am sharing 10 of my family's favorite Halloween traditions.

1) Pumpkin Patch - Our annual trip to the pumpkin patch is something my boys really enjoy.  It is always lots of fun to watch the boys pick out the perfect pumpkins... and it's always a great photo op.  You can read about our pumpkin patch adventures here.

2) Booing - "Booing" involves leaving secret treats for the neighbours.  It is a fun tradition that my boys love!  You can download the free signs and instructions here.

3) Carving pumpkins and planting magic pumpkin seeds - Carving pumpkins is always a fun Halloween activity, and planting the "magic" seeds is something my boys have been doing for a couple of years.  You can read all about the magic here.

4) Halloween crafts - My boys love making seasonal crafts, and Halloween is no exception.  You can find tutorials for:  my Countdown to Halloween here and my ghost puppet here.

5) Halloween treats - My boys love to bake... and every year they love making yummy Halloween treats.  You can find 5 ideas for easy Halloween treats here.

6) Decorating for Halloween - Every year, the boys and I dig out our Halloween decorations and make our house spooktacular!  I let the boys pick out a few new things from the dollar store and they make a couple of things too.  If you are looking for a simple decoration for the kids to make, you can find the tutorial for this googly eye vase here.

7) Treats for classmates - Every year, my boys like to bring a special treat to school to share with their friends.  You can find a collection of 10 of our favorite Halloween class treats here.

8) Special lunches - I always pack a special school lunch on Halloween.  I add some cheesecloth and googly eye treats and include fun lunch box notes.  You can download some Halloween joke lunchbox notes here.

These pretzel brooms are cute too!

9) Book fairy - After trick-or-treating, the boys have a "candy draft", and then leave the remaining treats for the "book fairy".  You can read all about it here.

10) Pumpkin pizza for supper - The boys are always in a hurry to get in their costumes and head out the door, so a quick Halloween supper is a must.  This pumpkin pizza is easy... and lots of fun!

These are our 10 favorite Halloween Traditions.  I'd love to hear how you celebrate with your little ones.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss any of the fun....