Showing posts with label school days. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school days. Show all posts

10 Questions to Ask your Kids After School... that won't get one word responses

Now that the school year is well underway, you might be finding it difficult to get information about the school day from your children. After school, kids are tired, and getting more than a "fine" or a "good" can be a challenge. Today, I am sharing 10 questions that you can ask your kids after school... that will get more than a one word response.

1) What did you do at recess / lunch? Who did you play with? Who did you sit beside at lunch? - Great questions because they lead to a bigger discussion about who their friends are, what they are interested in playing, and what sort of drama is happening on the playground.

2) Did anything funny happen at school today? - A simple question with a positive focus.

3) Did you find anything hard or upsetting today? - A great question for uncovering emotional struggles.

4) What are you working on in math? What are you reading? - Wonderful questions for showing interest in the academic part of a child's day.

5) What was the best part of your day? What was the worst part of your day? - Simple questions that can lead to more detailed discussions.

6) What did you learn today? 

7) What are two positive things that happened today? What is one negative thing that happened today?

8) Did anyone get in trouble in your class today? What were they doing? - This is a wonderful question to ask because it allows you to talk to your kids about acceptable and unacceptable behavior and what your expectations are for them.

9) Did you eat your lunch? Why or why not? - Sometimes kids don't eat their lunch because they were worried about something and had a sore belly. Or, sometimes they don't eat their lunch because they were in a hurry to get outside to play with a new piece of playground equipment. Either way, it's a good question that can help uncover further information.

10) Do you have any homework? Do you have any projects or tests coming up?

  • Of course, you aren't going to ask all these questions every day. Pick the questions that work for you, and feel free to "mix them up". You should also consider the timing of asking your child questions. Some kids love a chat while enjoying an after school snack, but others prefer to share information at bedtime. You know your child best, so go with your gut.

  • What's your favorite question to ask your kids after school? Did any of your favorites make my list?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

"CEREALsly Cute" Last Day of School Treat... with free printable tags

My boys' love bringing treats to their friends on the last day of school, so I am always trying to come up with new and simple ideas. When I was young, these tiny boxes of cereal were a special treat in our house, so I thought they'd be perfect for sharing on the last day of school with a clever (and punny) tag.

When packaged with a plastic spoon and a bit of curling ribbon, these tiny boxes of cereal are perfect for teachers to give to their students on the last day of school, and fun for kids to share with their classmates too!

Cute, right?

To download the tags I designed: click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4x6 photo.

I love this idea, don't you?

How do you celebrate the last day of school? I think it's a wonderful idea to share treats on the last day of school, don't you?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Last Day of School Class Treats: BALLS (with free printable tags)

This is my boys' last week of school, and they want to bring treats to share with their classmates on the last day. I think it's fun to make punny tags to attach to little trinkets, and today I am sharing the two different last day of school treats my boys are sharing with their friends this year.

My middle son decided that he wanted to give out bouncy balls and KitKat bars. I packaged the two items in little cellophane bags, and I added a tag that says, "It was a BALL having you in my class. Enjoy your summer BREAK!" Cute, right?

To download the tags I designed: click on the photo below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I think the kids are going to love these adorable treats.

My youngest son isn't allowed to bring edible treats to his school, so he is bringing balls and little bottles of slime. I think these packages are equally cute, so I don't think they'll miss the sugar at all!

To download the tags I designed: click on the photo below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

 Don't these little goodie bags look cute? I love the bright colours.

I think sharing treats with friends is a great way to end a school year. The treats are small, but I am sure the kind gesture will be appreciated.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

"Sweet" Treat Teacher Gift Idea... with free printable tags

A year is a long time to spend with a someone, and every year, kids build a special relationship with their teachers. So, on the last day of school, it's important for kids to give their teachers a nice handwritten note or card and a little gift of appreciation. Today, I am sharing the easy and inexpensive gift that my boys' will be giving their teachers this year, and I'm including the FREE printable tags I designed.

My middle son insisted that we get his teacher something chocolatey, so when I saw these little "bake a cake in a mug" packages, I knew I had to include one in her gift. I added a microwave save mug with a lovely message, and a gift card for coffee.

Then, I designed some fun and "punny" gift tags. There are three DIFFERENT versions, so you can pick the one you like the best. All three work well with this gift.

To download the tags I designed: click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I wrapped the gift in cellophane, added the tag my son chose, and tied it up with some curling ribbon.

Isn't it cute? And if you have limited budget, you could leave out the gift card. I love that this gift is inexpensive, useful, and fun. I know my boys are excited to give it to their special teachers, and I hope they think of my boys when they enjoy it during their summer break.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Class VIP

Today, I am sharing a cute activity that my first grader did with his class.  Every week, a student is selected as the class VIP. As the VIP, the child is able to fill out an "about me" page to share with the class, to bring a favorite book for story time, and to bring home a special stuffed animal from school (named "Andy"). 

The child is tasked with writing a story about his/her adventures with "Andy", and at the end of the week he/she is able to share the experience with the class.  Cute, right?

My middle son had the opportunity to be a class VIP, and it really made him feel special. It's also a great way to get children interested in reading, writing, and speaking in front of a group.

It's always amazing to see how a simple idea really gets a child engaged, don't you think? I love the idea of having a class VIP. Everyone needs to be a VIP some times, right???

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Last Day of School Teacher Gift... with clever printable gift tags

I know that teachers have enough mugs and candles, so I love giving gift cards. I enjoy knowing that my gift will be used, but gift cards can be boring, and not very fun for kids to give. But don't fret, I have a solution! This little treat and clever tag provide the perfect packaging for gift cards on the last day of school.

The key to the cuteness is this clever "Enjoy your summer BREAK!" tag. To download the tag: right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

Then, just use a little bit of ribbon to add the tag to a bag containing a KitKat bar and a gift card.

You can also use a cute container, and attach the tag to a lovely gift basket.

I love think this is a wonderful way to transform a gift card into a gift, don't you? My boys will be proud to give these packages to their teacher on the last day of school.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Teacher Gift... with free printable tags

A teacher is a special part of every child's life, and on the last day of school, I always want to give tokens of gratitude to my boys' lovely educators. I like to purchase something simple and useful, and add a bit of fun by attaching cute tag. Today, I am sharing a simple teacher gift... and a free printable tag that you can download.

I purchased some adorable and inexpensive tote bags, and I added a "Thanks for being a TOTEally awesome teacher" tag. Cute, right?

To download these tags: right-click on the photo below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo. (There are three tags on every sheet.)

This is a really inexpensive and thoughtful gift that is guaranteed to get a lot of use. It's perfect for carrying papers, and it works for trips to the beach too! You could also stick a gift card or handwritten note inside the bag for an extra special surprise. Thoughtful notes and cards are always winners!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

First Day of School 2016

Today was the first day of school for my sweet boys. They are now in grades 2, 4, and 6... and I can't believe how quickly time is passing. Today, I am sharing our back to school traditions and a few photos from our first day.

We started our day with a special pancake breakfast.

Then, the boys reluctantly posed for a few pictures. We always take pictures with some photo props and with the boys holding their "first day of school" photos from the previous year.

After they finished their mini photo shoot, the two younger boys headed to school with some little treats for their friends and teachers. 

Apparently, when you are in Grade 6 you don't really want to do this anymore. :-)

Fun, right?

My oldest son has hockey practice after school, but after that, we'll all have a special snack and talk about the day. I can't wait for them to get home. I miss them already!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Healthy lunchables

Making lunches is one of my most dreaded tasks, and I know I am not the only parent that feels this way. So, when I find something that makes packing lunches a little easier for me, I want to share the idea with as many people as I can. Today, I am showing you how to make healthier (and more environmentally friendly) "lunchables" that kids will love and parents can feel good about.

The key to these simple lunchables are these cute little Lock & Lock round containers. I love them because they are a perfect size, and kids find them easy to open and close.
Then, you just fill the containers with whatever you want. I like to use preservative free pepperoni or lunch meats, multi grain crackers or pretzels, cheese, and fresh fruit or raw veggies... but you can use your child's favourites (or whatever you have in your fridge/cupboard).

I think this is a fun option for lunches, and it would be easy to have your child help fill these containers with healthy options. What would you put in your homemade "lunchable"?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Disclosure: The link to the lunch container highlighted in this post is an affiliate link. If you purchase this container using this link in this post, I will receive a referral payment. Thanks for supporting my blog and all the free content I provide!

First Day of School Class Treats (for smart cookies)... with free printable tags

My boys are heading back to school next week, so this week we are busy labelling school supplies and finding sneakers that fit everyone. We are also putting together some treats to share with their classmates on the first day of school. Check out the adorable first day of school treats and sweet printable tags they will be handing out to their friends.

Cute, right? It's a simple idea, but it is a sweet and thoughtful treat.

Each of my boys chose their favorite (peanut free) type of cookie, and I designed a tag to staple to the top of each bag.

To download the tags I designed (for free): right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo. Each print can be cut into three tags.

Isn't taking a special treat on the first day of school a fun idea? And these first day of school class treats are super-easy and inexpensive to put together. No baking required!

Are you ready to send the kids back to school? I wish it could be summer forever, but I have a feeling that Fall is coming whether I am ready or not. ;-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Last Day of School 2016

Today was the last day of school for my three boys. They were dismissed at 10am, and then we went out and had some fun. Here is a peek at our day and our last day of school traditions.

First, I pick them my boys up at school, and I make them pose for a last day of school photo. I admit that this is not their favorite thing to do, but they humour me. :-)

Then, we head out for ice cream

We have been getting ice cream on the last day of school (at the same place) since my oldest started school. Check out this adorable collage of my boys through the years.

Then, we head home where my boys find their last day of school finish line. I open the front door, and they all run through together. Fun, right?

We end the day with some new books. (We don't do traditional "grading presents", but they always get books to read over the summer.)

I love the last day of school, don't you? Time for the lazy days of summer to begin!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Have a Sweet Summer (end of year treats and tags)

My boys love sharing treats with their friends on the last day of school, and today I am sharing three "sweet" class treat options with FREE printable tags. All three options are adorable, but you may want to base your choice on how much sugar you want to share.

The first treat may be a little too "sugary" for your taste, but does it really hurt to celebrate the end of the school with an extra special treat? I took an ice cream cone, topped it with a few small "scoops" of cotton candy, wrapped it in cellophane, and added an adorable little tag that I designed. Cute, right?

A less sugary option is to use a cone (like above), but instead of cotton candy, you can add a little sponge ball. My boys love this idea!

Or, if you just want to keep things simple, stick a few treats in a bag, tie it with a ribbon, and add the cute tag. Easy, peasy!

To download the tags I designed: right-click on the picture (below), save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 photo. I sent mine to my local copy store and had it printed on card stock for $.39 a sheet.

I can't believe the last day of school is just around the corner. It is always bitter sweet for my boys because they look forward to their summer break, but they miss seeing their friends every day. I think sharing a gift with their classmates on the last day of school makes the transition to summer a little nicer, don't you?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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