Showing posts with label family traditions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family traditions. Show all posts

Birthday Letter to My Youngest Son on His 11th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them a letter. My hope is that each letter is a snapshot that captures each boy's personality at this point in time. I want them to know how much I love them and how proud I am at each stage of their lives. Today, I am sharing the letter I wrote to my youngest son today... on his 11th birthday.

My sweet boy:

Your birthdays are particularly tough for me, because as my "baby", you are my last chance to enjoy each age and stage of being a mother. It is bittersweet though because the older you get, the more special you become, and the more I cherish my time with you.

Here are some of the things that make you the awesome 11 year old you are:

  • You tried being a goalie for the first time this year. I always hesitated to let you try because I know how sensitive you are, but you did great. You learned a lot about hard work and adversity, and I know you will carry these lessons with you through the rest of your life.
  • You dealt with living through a pandemic. You impressed me with how well you adjusted to the seismic shift in your schedule and your life. It is a crazy time we are living in, but you are handling it really well.
  • You still like to have me read you stories at bedtime. I know this is something that will come to an end soon (and without warning), so I will continue to treasure this special time we have together... for as long as it lasts.
  • You had a great year at school. Every year you gain a little more academic and social confidence. I know it is something you work out, and I am super-proud of your efforts.
  • You are a clown with a quirky and clever sense of humor. You are always making Dad, your brothers and I laugh... and when you get giggling... I sometimes wonder if you will ever stop.
  • You love playing with your friends, your brothers, and your cousins.
  • You really love playing outside. Some of your favorite activities are: riding your bike, playing street hockey, making trick shot videos with your brothers, playing golf, and shooting baskets.
  • You have a wonderful way of quietly observing a situation and asking thoughtful questions.
  • You love multi grain crackers and fruit roll ups.
  • You give the best cuddles.
I know this year (with Covid restrictions in place) your birthday is a little different, and you won't be having the big party you are used to, but I hope you still have a fantastic day. You are a special boy, and the sweetest 11 year old in the whole world. I love you to the moon and back!

Happy birthday!



Last Day of School Treats... COVID edition

Over the years, my boys have shared many cute last day of school treats with their classmates, teachers, and friends. This year, there will be no "in school" celebration, but I still wanted to find a way to keep this tradition alive. So, I decided to put together some treats for my boys to deliver to the neighbours on our last day.

Our plan is for the boys to deliver these tasty treats to our neighours on the last day of school. How cute are these Freezies with little "Isn't it COOL that school is over?" notes attached?

To download the FREE printable tags I designed: click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8x10 photo.

We have a big batch ready to deliver. Aren't they cute?

I love this simple way to spread kindness in our neighbourhood... and I love that we are still able to celebrate the last day of school by sharing a sweet treat. Happy last day of school!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (You can find MORE last day of school treat ideas here.)

Christmas Dice Game... a family Christmas gift exchange

Making gift giving into a game is a fun idea for Christmas parties and family gatherings too. This year, my extended family will be playing a “Christmas Dice Game” together on Christmas Eve. Keep reading for all the details on how to play this simple game (and get a free printable instruction sheet).

To play, all participants are asked to bring an inexpensive wrapped. For my family, we are doing a kid's exchange and an adult's exchange. The kids will each bring a $5 gift and the adults will each bring a $10 gift.

The game starts with every person choosing one wrapped gift. (I suggest letting people choose their original gift based on age... from youngest to oldest.) Then, everyone sits in one big circle and takes turns rolling a die and following the instructions for the roll. E.g. A one means “keep your gift”, two means “steal someone’s gift”, three means “everyone pass your gift to the left”, four means “everyone pass your gift to the right”, five means “keep your gift” and six means “steal someone’s gift”. Continue playing until every participant has rolled three times. At the end of the game, whatever gift you end up with is yours to keep! Fun, right?

To download the instructions: click on the photo below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8x10 photo.

Have you ever played a game like this? Did you have fun? I can't wait to play with my family on Christmas Eve. If you have any tips for me, let me know.

(aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss out on any of the fun... follow me on social media here.


Update: Our family played the Christmas Dice Game on Christmas Eve, and it was a huge success. This will definitely become an annual tradition for us.

A Birthday Letter to my Oldest Son on his 14th birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them "Birthday Letters". The purpose of the letters is to create verbal "snapshots" of their personalities at every age. I hope some day my boys will look back at their letters, get a glimpse of how special they were (and are), and know how much I loved them at every stage of their childhood. Today, I am sharing the letter I wrote for my oldest son on his 14th birthday.

Dear Cameron,

As you turn 14, I am overwhelmed by the feeling that the time I have with you living in my home is running short. The years are going by too quickly, and I am trying my best to appreciate every minute with you. I am so proud of the young man you have become, and I feel blessed to be your mother. Here are some of the reasons you are my favourite 14 year old in the whole world:

  • You are a great big brother. You set a wonderful example for your brothers, and I love how much fun you have together.
  • You are always up for an adventure. This year we went on a family cruise, and you loved it!
  • You are hardworking and clever, and you put 110% into everything you do. You train hard for hockey, and you are organized and focused when it comes to your education.
  • You inspire me with how you react to adversity. After missing your hockey season last year with a broken collar bone, you broke your elbow. Although it was devastating, you handled it well, and dedicated yourself to recovery.
  • Your favourite sport is hockey, and you are a die-hard Toronto Maple Leafs fan. You had the chance to attend a game last week, and you LOVED it!
  • You love your brothers and your family, and you have a lot of fantastic friends.
  • You love peanut butter sandwiches, turkey dinner, steak, cinnamon rolls, and chocolate chip cookies (hot out of the oven).
  • You are kind, thoughtful and helpful. You sold cookie jars this summer and gave $1 from each jar to Cystic Fibrosis. You also raised money for charity by selling some of your belongings and running a "letter writing to Santa" fundraiser.

You are a wonderful human, and I love you all the way to the moon. Even though I know you are growing up (and I get fewer hugs than I used to), you'll always be my "first baby".


First Day of School Photos... my favourite back to school tradition

When my oldest started school, I had him hold his "first day of Preschool" photo for a picture. The rest (as they say) is history. It has become an annual first day of school tradition for my boys to get a picture holding the picture from the first day of school the previous year. Here are our photos from this morning. We always start with a group a photo, and then they we do individual shots.

Here is my oldest, 13 years old and heading to Grade 9. I can't believe he is starting high school! I love his confidence, focus, and strong work ethic.

Here is my middle son, 12 years old and heading to Grade 7. I love his pleasant attitude, kind heart and outgoing personality.

And here is my "baby", 10 years old and heading to Grade 5. I love his sweetness, his quirky sense of humor, and his cuddles.

I am already missing my boys, but I can't wait to hear all about each of their days. I hope their classes are filled with friendship and fun.

Taking these photos on the first day of school really is my favourite back to school tradition. I am hoping that when my boys graduate from high school, we can look back at all their first day of school pictures and remember how special these days were.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

You might also like these school lunch ideas... 

FREE First Day of School Chalkboard Sign

I have had a couple of people ask if I have a chalkboard sign for the first day of school that they can download. I never used these with my boys, but I thought I would design one for my lovely readers, and you can download it for free below.

To download and print the sign: click on the photo above, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8x10 photo.

You can use a photo editing software to the add the info before you print it, or you can use a Sharpie to write directly onto the picture. Just make sure you let the marker dry completely to avoid "smearing".

You could also place the photo in a frame and use a dry erase maker to write on the glass. This would allow you to reuse the photo prop each year. Clever, right?

Happy first day of school! I hope you like this free first day of school chalkboard sign.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

A Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 12th Birthday

Every year, on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters letting them know how special they are to me. I think of the letters as written "snapshots" of the previous year. I hope I am able to capture a little bit of their personalities on paper. Today, I am sharing a birthday letter for my middle son on his 12th birthday.

My Darling Middle Son,

You are a bright light with a big heart and eyes that sparkle. You add a fun and positive energy to our family, and I am blessed to be able to be your mother. Here are some of things that make you special:

  • You make friends easily, and you are kind to everyone you meet. You draw people in with your easy going personality.
  • You suffered the loss of a very special friend this year. Your heart was broken, but you are bravely moving forward. I am so proud of you, and I know your memories will remain with you for the rest of your life and make you a better person.
  • You love to be on the move. Hockey is your favourite sport, but you are pretty much a fan of anything with a ball or puck.
  • We went on a family cruise this year, and you had a great time. You are always up for a new adventure... especially when you are with your brothers and cousins.
  • You love listening to music, and you know the words to an incredible number of songs. You also have an excellent memory when it comes to the plots of Avenger movies.
  • You are great at figuring out how things work, and you really enjoy building with LEGO.
  • You have no sense of urgency. You take your time with everything, and you love to say, "Just a few more minutes."
  • You love to cuddle, and have no problem hugging me in front of your friends. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it while I can get it!
You are strong-willed, and you sometimes drive me crazy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Your big heart and sparkling personality will take you far, and I'll always be your biggest cheerleader.



A Birthday Letter to my Youngest Son... on his 10th birthday

Every year, I take some time to write my boys letters on their birthdays. The annual letters are my way of remembering exactly what they are like at each stage of their lives. I hope someday they look back at their letters and see how special they were and how much I loved every year I got to spend with them. Today, my youngest son turns 10... and here is his letter.

My dearest "baby" boy,

I can't believe you are in double digits. It seems like only yesterday we dropped your older brothers off at school and spent our days having adventures together. I loved the hours we spent reading stories and playing with your farm when you were little, but I am having a lot of fun with you now too. Here are some of the reasons I love you to the moon and back:

  • You were a boy who started elementary full of shyness and anxiety, and this coming September you are headed to Junior High School with a new found confidence. I am so proud of how far you have come.
  • You have lots of friends, but your brothers and cousins have a special place in your heart.
  • I'm still in awe of your unique way of quietly observing the world. You always ask the best questions.
  • You are super-funny. We especially love when you put on your housecoat, hang your medals around your neck, and rap.
  • You love all things sports... especially hockey, softball, basketball, and golf. You also love to ride your bike.
  • Your favourite food is multi grain wheat thin crackers. I buy you one box a week, and you usually eat them in one sitting.
  • Green is your favourite colour, you love when I read you stories (in a soft voice) at bedtime, and you look forward to our Friday night family movie nights.
  • You love sleep. You often ask to go to bed when you are tired... which is good because you get pretty cranky when you are overtired.
  • You give the best cuddles (and I have my fingers crossed that you let me tuck you in and read you stories for many years to come).
Even though you are in double digits now, you will always be my baby boy. Happy 10th birthday, sweet boy!



Birthday Letter to My Oldest Son on his 13th Birthday

Every year I write my boys letters on their birthdays. It's my way of celebrating them and documenting their personalities as they grow another year older. I hope that some day my boys will look back at their letters and know how much I love and appreciate everything that makes them special and unique. Today, I am sharing my letter to my oldest son on his 13th birthday.

Dear Cameron,

I can't believe you are a teenager. It seems like only yesterday you depended on me for everything, and now you are becoming an independent young man. It really is bittersweet for me. I'm super-proud of the wonderful human you are... but I hope you still need me a little... at least for a few more years. 😉

Here are a few things that make you special:

  • You are resilient. This year was tough for you as you struggled with a recovering from a broken collarbone. I know you are missing the sport you love, but I admire your dedication to recovery. You go to all your hockey practices and games to support your team (even though you can't get on the ice), you never miss your physio, and you are doing whatever you can to keep fit. I love your resilience and dedication.
  • You have great friends, which is a testament to your kindness and your ability to make good choices.
  • You work hard in school, love to play the guitar, and live to watch and play hockey.
  • You love hanging out with family... especially your brothers and your cousins. Nothing makes me happier than listening to you and your brothers playing mini sticks... even if close games sometimes end up in a fight. lol
  • Peanut butter sandwiches are your favourite, you love chocolate chip cookies, and Auston Matthews is your hero.
  • You have a kind heart. This year you started a summer business making jars of cookie ingredients, and you gave $1 from the sale of every jar to charity. You made over $100 for Cystic Fibrosis.
You may be a teenager, but you will always be my baby. I love you to the moon and back!

Mom xo

The Best Halloween Tradition: BOOing

Boo'ing is one of our family's favourite tradition. Basically, you sneak up to a house, ring the door, and run away... while leaving treats behind. We have been doing it for years, and it is always a Halloween highlight for us.

If you have never done it before, you need to print off two copies of the instructions and the "We've Been Boo'ed" sign. To download and print the signs: click on the photos below, right-click, save them to your computer, and print them like regular 8x10 photos. I get mine printed at the local copy store.

Then, you leave notes behind with some treats. This year, we are leaving behind gloves filled with goodies. Cute, right?

My boys can't wait to get out "BOOing" and leave behind some of our treats.

Have you ever tried "BOOing"? If you haven't, I highly recommend giving it a try this Halloween. It really is one of our favourite Halloween traditions.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (You can find MORE Halloween ideas here.)

First Day of School 2018... it's all about continuing our back to school traditions

There is something very comforting about traditions, don't you think? Knowing what to expect, and having things "the same" is a wonderful way to reduce anxiety on the first day of school. I also believe that traditions provide the foundation for lasting childhood memories. Today, my three boys went back to school (grades 4, 6 & 8), and we continued all our simple first day of school traditions. Here is how our morning went...

As always, we started our day with a special breakfast. I made (not perfect but still fun) pancakes in the shape of the kids' grades, and they all drank milk from wine glasses.

Then (like all annoying parents do), I subjected the kids to a few first day of school pictures. My favourite pictures are the ones I take of the kids holding a picture from the first day of school the previous year. I love this tradition, and it is fun to see how the kids change from year to year.

The younger boys also took a little gift for their teachers and small treats for their new classmates. This year, they are took crayon vases full of chocolate bars (with "First Day of School Survival Kit" tags), pencils, and packs of gum.

My boys are currently safely at school, and I am now at home with my messy kitchen, piles of laundry, stacks of paperwork, and calendar full of after school activities and freelance work deadlines. It's tough to say goodbye to summer. 😢

I can't wait for my boys to get home from school so we can share a special after-school snack and chat about their first day of school adventures.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 11th Birthday

My boys' baby books did not get filled out (due to the fact that I had three boys in three and a half years), so when they were little, I started writing letters to them on their birthdays. My hope is that the letters will capture the unique things about their personalities that I never want to forget. Today, I am sharing the birthday letter I wrote for my middle son on his 11th birthday.

My sweet and spunky boy,

As you move too quickly toward your teenage years, I remember your adorable baby face, your crazy toddler hair and the kind boy are you right now. You draw people in with your easy-going personality, and I could not be more proud to be your mother. Here are a few things that make you the special boy that you are:

  • You are friends with everyone. (You get invited to more birthday parties than anyone I have ever met.) People love to be around you, and you love to surround yourself with people.
  • You have a smile that lights up your face, and you always have a twinkle in your eye. I think it's my favourite thing about you.
  • You love to be moving. You enjoy hockey, golf, softball, tag, man-tracker, riding your bike, and more!
  • You love playing hockey with your team, and you love playing street hockey with your brothers.
  • Listening to music is one of your favourite things to do. You make great playlists, and you know the words to a lot of songs.
  • You are really smart, and you enjoy figuring things out and building things. You love LEGO.
  • You take your time with everything. It takes you forever to do your homework... but when you are done, it is perfect. You also take a long time to transition to a new activity. "Just a few more minutes" is one of your favourite lines! lol
  • You love to cuddle. When I went on class trips with you this year, you weren't at all embarrassed to sit with me and give me hugs. I hope I have a few more years before you don't want to be seen with me! :-)
You can be very stubborn, and when you set your mind to something, it is not easy to change it... but although it can drive me crazy, it is a quality that I know will serve you well in life. I love you (and your sweet smile and perfect hugs) more than I can express in words. 



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