10 Things to Do With Kids... while social distancing from the rest of the world

Given recent events concerning the Coronavirus / Covid-19, and the increased emphasis on "social distancing", parents are being faced with the task of entertaining their children... and retaining their sanity. 😀 Today, I am sharing 10 things you can do with kids... while social distancing from the rest of the world.

1)  Have an indoor picnic - Make breakfast, lunch or dinner a little more fun by laying a blanket down on the kitchen floor and having an indoor picnic. It's a simple idea, but a good way to "change up" the regular mealtime routine.

2)  Read together - Check out your bookshelves or browse an online bookstore and pick out some new books. Then, cuddle up and read together.  

If you are looking for inspiration, I have a list of our 10 favorite picture books here and a list of some of our favourite books for older kids here

I even have a list of books for Moms here. It's important for kids to see their parents reading for pleasure too!

3)  Dress up - When my kids were younger, they loved to dress up as Harry PotterPiratesSpies and Jedi.  They are older now, but if we are stuck in the house for long periods of time, I bet I can totally sell them on a themed party!

4)  Bake something - My boys love baking and cooking together... and then eating the fruits of their labour.  I've been wanting to teach them more baking and cooking skills, and now seems like the perfect time.

Some of our current favorites are:  banana breadchocolate chip cookiespeanut butter cookies, and energy balls... but I'm looking forward to trying some new recipes with them.

5)  Make a craft, paint, learn a magic trick, do a science experiment, or play with play dough - EastCoastMommy.com is full of fun craft ideas, so take a look around.  You might also want to check out my "Activities and Crafts for Kids" Pinterest board here.

6) Have a puppet show - For the puppet theatre, use a spring loaded curtain rod and an old sheet in a doorway. The sheet works well because it already has an opening for a rod -- no sewing required. (You could also use a cardboard box for a theatre.) For puppets, print pictures off the internet onto cardstock, color them, cut them out, and attach popsicle sticks to the back.

7) Play games, take out the LEGO or build a puzzle - My boys love cards and board games, and I think playing games together is a great way to spend an afternoon.  If you want to make it extra special, you can check out some fun snack and decor ideas here.

8) Watch a movie - Put on some PJs, pop some popcorn, cuddle up on the couch, and watch your favorite family movie.  If you want to make it extra special, you can find some tips for throwing a movie party here.

9) Have an indoor concert, karoke party or dance contest - Isn't singing and dancing a great way to spend an afternoon... and burn off some energy?  If you are looking for some great music for younger kids, you can read about some of our favorites here.

10) Get outside - Is there anything better for kids than playing outside? (And if you should be fine if you are in your yard away from other people.)  

Depending on the weather where you are, you might want to check out some summer activities here and here or some winter activities here.

How are you coping with all the Coronavirus / Covid 19 precautions and protocols? I'm trying hard to keep my kids entertained... and not focused on the news. These are anxious times, and it's tough for kids of all ages to understand what is going on. I hope some of these ideas help you to help your kids manage their anxieties and have some fun.

Stay safe!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

You might also like the ideas you can find here.


  1. Thanks for all the awesome ideas!! We built a fort in the family room this morning and even hung a string of colored Christmas lights inside to jazz it up !! Stay safe and healthy!

    1. I love that! I should have put "build a fort" on this list. My kids love it!


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