Santa Beard - Preschooler Craft

When crafting with a group of preschoolers, I like to keep things simple.  If small children have to wait around for a lot of help, they will lose interest and move on to something else.  I also love a craft that turns into something kids can play with after they have made it. This Santa beard craft is definitely a simple and fun craft, and kids love it!

Isn't it adorable? Can't you just hear my little guy say, "ho ho ho"?

To make a Santa beard, it is best to do a little "prep work" before involving the little ones.  First, print out the beard template, which you can find here*, and cut it out if the kids are too young to do it themselves. The hole for the mouth can be tricky for little ones.

*If you have trouble with the download: click on the photo of the beard below, right-click, save it to your computer, size it so that you can fit two beards on a regular-sized piece of cardstock, and print it.

Then, tape a popsicle stick to the back of the beard. (White duct tape works best.)

Now it is time to involve the preschooler.  Just let him/her glue cotton balls all over the beard.  What preschooler doesn't love a craft that involves lots of glue?

This Santa beard craft is a definitely a crowd pleaser. It's an easy craft to make, and it is fun for little ones to "play Santa" over the holidays.  Do you have a favorite holiday craft to make with Preschoolers?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS - You can find more Christmas crafts and activities here.

Letter Writing to Santa Party/Fundraiser

Last weekend, the boys hosted their 2nd Annual "Letter Writing to Santa" party/fundraiser.  This year, they were able to donate $187.55 to a local children's hospital.  I am so proud of them! 

Want to throw a similar party with your little ones?  Here's what we did...

As guests arrived, they were given the supplies needed to write a letter to Santa and a fun paper Santa beard.

As the children were writing their letters, they were given some juice and a cookie baked with love by Mrs. Claus.  :-)

Then, each guest made a little craft and some magic reindeer food.

Isn't this a fun way to teach children about "giving back" during the holiday season?  I can't wait to do it again next year!
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Elfie Arrives... a little early

Our Elf on the Shelf {aka "Elfie"} arrives every year on December 1st.  It is always a very exciting event for my boys.  But... this year, Elfie arrived early.  :-)

This year, our sweet little elf got special permission from Santa to come early to wish my son a very Happy 7th Birthday.  It was all explained in the letter he brought with him. 

I got the stationary here.

Isn't he a great elf?  I can't wait to see what other surprises Elfie has in store for us this year. 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Check out a fun idea for an Elf on the Shelf arrival breakfast here.

DIY Star Wars Party

All three of my boys are huge Star Wars fans, so it isn't surprising that my oldest son requested a Star Wars theme for his 7th birthday party. Today, I am sharing all the fun DIY details of the super-fun "Jedi Training Academy" I hosted for my son and his little Jedi friends.

Here's what we did....

1)  We set the mood with a fun invitation. {You can get the full tutorial for it here.}

2)  As guests arrived, they colored their own Jedi Academy Security Badge {which I made by scanning a page out of one of their coloring books}.

3)  We played a little "Freeze Dance" to Star Wars music, and then we took a break for dinner, cake and cookies.

4)  After everyone finished eating, it was time for some lightsaber training. The kids balanced balloons on their lightsabers, my husband gave them some "formal" instruction, and they took a final "test" by fighting Darth Vader... who was actually my five year old.  {You can find the tutorial for the pool noodle lightsabers here.}

5)  The final activity was to "Destroy the Death Star" aka break open the pinata.  {You can find the full tutorial for the pinata here.}

Finally, it was time for the new Jedi to:

...receive their Graduation Certificates

...have a quick "photo op"

...and collect their treat bags.

My son loved his party, and all the kids had a great time.  Isn't Star Wars a great theme for a party?  

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Find more easy and inexpensive DIY party ideas here.

Happy Birthday {Letter} to my 7 Year Old

I can't believe that I have been a mother for 7 years.  How is it possible that it seems like yesterday, and yet I can barely remember my life before?

Each year, I write my boys letters on their birthdays, and I hope to make them into books when they are older.  Here is my letter to my oldest son on his 7th birthday:

Dear Cameron,

Whenever I think of you, the word "angel" always comes to mind.  You are such a special boy, and you have such a kind heart.  Here are just a few of the things that make you such a fantastic 7 year old.
  • You are a great big brother.  Little brothers can sometimes be a pain, but you are patient and kind with them, and they love you very much.
  • You are losing lots of baby teeth now, and your toothless grin is very cute.
  • You are developing a great sense of humour, and you are always laughing at the crazy antics of your little brothers.
  • You always try your best, and you are determined to succeed when you are trying something new.  This summer, you learned to ride a two wheeler, and you were very proud.
  • You love to draw, read and write stories.  You are very creative, and you want to be an Actor {in movies} when you grow up.
  • You love pancakes, cookies, pizza, and peanut butter sandwiches.
  • Your favorite sport is hockey, and you never complain about hockey practice... even when it is early in the morning.  {You even sleep with two hockey player "stuffies".}
  • You still let me kiss and hug you when I drop you off at school, but you are starting to check to see if anyone is around before you kiss me back.  :-(
  • You love Star Wars and never get tired of playing "Jedi" with your brothers.
  • You have lots of great friends, and I am not surprised because you are an awesome kid!
Happy Birthday, my sweet angel!  You may be seven, but you will always be my first baby.

Lots of Love,

Mommy  xoxo

Pool Noodle Lightsabers

For my son's 7th birthday, I made all of the guests {20 of them} lightsabers out of pool noodles.  I have seen a ton of different versions floating around on the web, but today I am sharing my version.

Aren't they so cute?

Here is how I made them:

1)  My husband cut all the pool noodles in half using a utility knife.  Then, I used silver duct tape to create a handle.  I made a "criss cross" on the bottom.  Then, I wrapped four separate pieces around the noodle. 

2)  Then, I made a simple design using black electrical tape {see below}, and I added a little red sticker for a power button.

The pool noodles are great for little ones because they are so soft.

I think these the lightsabers were the highlight of our DIY Star Wars party.  I would highly recommend them for any Star Wars celebration.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

ECM Kids' Craft Club - #9 {Snowman Gift Tag}

Welcome to the 9th edition of the {East Coast Mommy} Kids' Craft Club {an easy and inexpensive way for kids to have fun crafting and to experience the excitement of getting their very own mail}.  If you want to join the club, you can find more info hereFor everyone who is already a member... this month, we are making an adorable Snowman Gift Tag.

Are your supplies ready?

OK.  Let's get started....

1)  Attach the snowman's body, head and hat to the gift tag with tape or glue.  {Use the hat template to cut a hat out of black paper.}

2)  Draw a mouth on your snowman.  Then, decorate the scarf, and attach it with tape or glue.

3)  Glue on the googly eyes, a button on the hat, and a snowman nose {which you can cut from the orange foam included in your kit}.  Then, write "To:" and "From:" on the body of your snowman.

4) To finish, tie a piece of ribbon to the top of the gift tag.

I hope you enjoyed making this craft, and I hope you have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.  {Don't forget to leave me a comment, or send me an email.  Your comments help me improve the club, and I love hearing from you.} 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't forget... Assist young children when using scissors, and be careful of the small parts included with this kit, as they can be a choking hazard for children under three

Don't miss any of the fun....