5 Ways to Count Down to Christmas

In our house, we are always counting down to something -- a special event, a birthday, a vacation, or a holiday.  I think "counting down" is an important part of the fun, as it builds a lot of anticipation and excitement.  Here are 5 ways we "count down" to special events in our house.

1)  Paper chains - I love an old fashioned paper craft, and paper chains are simple, fun, and can be color coded to any special event or holiday.  You can find our more info on our Christmas paper chain advent countdown here.

2)  Chalkboard or calendar -  We have a chalkboard in our kitchen, and it always documents the next special day in our house.  It just doesn't get any easier than this!

3)  Wrapped books or movies - Nothing builds excitement like unwrapping a gift.  At Christmas, our Elf on the Shelf wraps all our Christmas movies and books.  You can read about it here.

4)  Treats/Gifts - A sweet treat each day of a countdown can be a lot of fun.  Check out our "Kiss" Countdown here, and our "Smartie" Countdown here.  You can also purchase a chocolate advent calendar or a calendar filled with little gifts.  My son received this Playmobil advent for his birthday, and is super-excited to give it a try.

5)  Balloon Pop -  Filling balloons with notes containing special activities is a fantastic way to count down to Christmas.  Why not have items like "drink hot chocolate" or "make Christmas cookies"?  Simple and fun!  (You can go here to find out how a balloon pop works.)

How do you count down to Christmas in your house?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

DIY Honeydukes Sweet Shop

Check out the "Honeydukes Sweet Shop" I put together for my oldest son's Harry Potter party.  Isn't it the cutest?

I made the sign using a piece of (dollar store) foam core trimmed with pink duct tape.  Then, I printed some letters onto cardstock and used double sided tape to secure them in place.

For the treats, I bought some jars at the dollar store, and added some labels I made using Picmonkey.com. 

Here are the treats we had:

Bott's Every Flavor Beans - no-name gourmet jelly beans
Ollivander's Edible Wands - black liquorice
Fizzing Whizbees - popping candy
Mad Eye Moody's Eyeball Gum - eyeball gumballs
Chocolate Frogs - chocolate frogs made from frog-shaped chocolate molds
Remus' Werewolf Fangs - candy corn

I also made some "Golden Snitches" by hot gluing feathers onto gold foil wrapped chocolates.

What Harry Potter fan wouldn't love shopping at Honeydukes Sweet Shop?  It's a fantastic loot bag idea.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Quick Tip Tuesday #27 - Pool Noodle Wreath Form

This isn't an idea that I came up with (as it is all over Pinterest); however, it is so clever that I knew I needed it to be part of Quick Tip Tuesday.

I LOVE this idea because it is super-easy and inexpensive. Basically, you use duct tape to secure the ends of a pool noodle together.

I stick a craft stick into the openings on the ends to make it stronger, and I use lots of duct tape.  Once I didn't use enough duct tape, and it came apart.... not good!

Also, if you want a different size/ diameter, you can also use pipe covers (which you can find at your local building supply store).

To make a wreath, just wrap the form with yarn, burlap or fabric.  Then, add whatever embellishments you like.  The dollar store has tons of inexpensive options.

Have you ever made a wreath from a pool noodle?  I'd love to see it!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

A Pirate Adventure... and our new favorite toy

I have three little boys, so there is always some sort of play adventure going on in our house.  Pirate play is one of my boys' favorite ways to spend an afternoon, so today I thought a would share a simple DIY pirate adventure with you.

Every pirate loves a treasure hunt, so why not write up some simple clues and hide them around the house?  A simple pirate snack is also a must because pirates work up a big appetite searching for treasure!

And, of course, a pirate craft is always fun.  Here is a simple pirate ship craft you can make with your little ones.

First, download the free pirate ship template that you can find here.

Then, have your child color the pieces, cut them out, and glue them in place.  (In addition to the template, you'll also need three popsicle sticks, a few Cheerios, and some glue.)  Isn't it a cute little craft?

And... if your little one loves using his/her imaginations to go on "play adventures", you should totally check out our new favorite toy -- the Imaginext Rescue City Centre.

Rescue City Centre features a city scape with lots of action!  The left side features a gas station, a currency exchange, and a jewelry store.  The right side of the set is equipped with a fire station, police station and hospital.  It also comes with two figures, a fire truck and lots of interactive sounds and actions.  Seriously... it is a lot of fun!  My boys haven't stopped playing with it since we got it.

Also, be sure to check out the Fisher-Price website for lots of new "Ed Venture" content and a great contest.  Contestants are able to play an online game and unlock the next phase of the game by solving clues.  You'll have a chance to win 1 of 5 $300 Imaginext prize packs including the Imaginext Rescue City Centre, Imaginext Mega Apatasaurus, Imaginext Eagle Talon Castle, and Imaginext Batcave.

What types of adventures do your little ones like to go on?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Imaginext Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

5 Holiday Shopping Tips

Holiday shopping can be enjoyable, but it can also be extremely stressful.  I remember one year my middle son had his heart set on a tabletop hockey set.  Unfortunately, I waited too long to order it, and I ended up getting it at a store two hours away.  After that, I knew I had to make an effort to make holiday shopping easier, more successful, and more fun.  Here are the rules I try to live by...

1)  Start early - If you start early, the stores will be less crowded, and you will have more time to locate the items you need.

2)  Don't go overboard - Try not to let your gift buying get out of control.  Draw names where appropriate, and set limits.

3)  Shop online -  Shopping from the comfort of your home after the kids have gone to bed can be relaxing and efficient.  It is the best way to easily locate items and find the best prices.

4)  Remember what's important - Instead of going in debt to amass a mountain of toys for your little ones, focus on getting one or two special presents instead.  Put more energy into creating memories than into shopping.

5)  Get organized - Get the kids to write letters to Santa, and make a copy and stick it to the fridge.  A "locked down" list will prevent a last minute scramble.  Also, make a list of all the people you need to buy for and any ideas you have.  Then, check off the names each time you make a purchase.  (Note:  Mattel.ca has some great holiday toys and wish list capability to help plan your holiday shopping.  You can check it out here.)

What are your best tips for making holiday less stressful?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Disclosure: I am part of the Mattel Holiday Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.

Easy Harry Potter Cakes

I am not a professional cake decorator. In fact, I have never even taken a cake decorating course. But, I always try to make special cakes for my boys' birthdays.  This year I made two Harry Potter cakes for my oldest son (and I'm also sharing a simple cake I made for a movie night). All THREE Harry Potter cakes were simple to make and turned out totally cute!

The first cake I made for the Harry Potter party was a simple "Quidditch Cake".  

To make each goal post, I wrapped electrical tape around pipe cleaners and twisted them into a circle.  Then, I stuck the end into a paper straw.

And to make the golden snitch, I added wax paper wings.

I finished it off by adding some "every flavour beans" along the bottom of the cake.  I think it adds a nice touch of color, don't you?

The second cake I made for the Harry Potter party was a simple "Crest Cake".

I started with a basic rectangular sheet cake, and I carved it into the shape of a crest.  I did a crumb coat, and then covered the cake with yellow icing.  I piped on some red trim, and then I added some fun "Harry Potter" items -- a fruit roll-up scar, a foil wrapped golden snitch, some every flavour beans, and a chocolate frog.  Simple and fun! 

And... for a special movie night with my boys, I made this simple cake with pink icing and green icing... a replica of the cake Hagrid made for Harry Potter in the first movie. It doesn't get easier than this one!

Which Harry Potter cake is your favorite? I think a Harry Potter fan would love any one of these magical desserts!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

You may also be interested in our easy and inexpensive DIY Harry Potter party. The simple details are super-fun!

5 ways to teach children about helping others this holiday season

I think that my most important job as a mother is to teach my boys to be good and caring people.  I want my children to be kind to family, friends, and other people in our community.  It's a big concept for little people, but here are 5 ways to teach children about helping others this holiday season:

1)  Talk to them - Children need to be told how fortunate they are, and they need to understand that not everyone has the things that they do.  It's simple... but it's important.

2)  Put them to work - One important tradition we have incorporated into our family is an annual "Letter Writing to Santa" party/fundraiser.  My boys host a party, we charge people to come, and we donate the money to a charity that they choose.  They are able to bake the cookies, assemble the craft kits, help set up, and take money at the door.  "Doing" the work really helps them to feel like they are making a contribution.

3)  Volunteer - There are always organizations that could benefit from a visit from little helpers.  Pick something that interests your children.  My boys have sung to seniors at a local nursing home, and it was a great experience for everyone.

4)  Do something small - Little gestures of kindness can make a big impact.  I like to have my kids bring treats or little gifts to their classmates during the holidays, and we always bake and deliver treats to our neighbours.

5)  Send a card - This is a simple thing that you can do with your little ones right now.  They can make their own cards to send to family and friends.

How are you going to teach your children about helping others this holiday season?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

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