To make a paper xylophone:
1) Cut strips of construction paper in various colors, and have the child cut the strips into smaller and smaller sizes.
2) Glue the strips onto a piece of cardstock.
3) Glue a couple of pom poms onto coffee stir sticks to create xylophone mallets.
Cute, right? After our craft, we did a little letter X printing practice. To practice writing the letter X with your little one, right click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print.
Looking for some more "letter X" crafts? How cute is this "X marks the spot treasure map? The child can draw and colour a map and add fun pirate stickers.
A personalized "X is for x-ray" craft is another cute way to learn about the letter x. Cut up Q-tips for bones, and add an adorable photo for the face.
Turning an "X" into an x-ray with crayons, glue, and q-tips is another simple craft that kids will enjoy.
Fun, right? Next up... the Letter Y!
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
Find more alphabet crafts here.