Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mother's Day. Show all posts

Sharpie Tinfoil Pendant

A few weeks ago I shared a cool technique that my boys and I used to create 3D Sharpie artwork. We enjoyed the project so much that I thought we could use a similar process to create Sharpie tinfoil pendants. These pendants can be used as necklace charms, keychains or backpack clips.

To make a Sharpie tinfoil pendant:

1) Cut a small (1 ½ inch) circle from an old cereal box. 
2) Cut a slightly bigger circle from tin foil. 
3) Draw a simple design on the cardboard, cover the outline of the design with glue and yarn, and set it aside to dry. 
4) Cover the dull side of the tin foil with a glue stick, wrap the tin foil around the cardboard containing the design, and secure the tinfoil with a piece of tape on the backside of the pendant.
5) Rub the tinfoil on the front of the pendant with a piece of felt to help the yarn design show through. 
6) Colour the design with Sharpies, and allow to dry.
7) Punch a hole in the top of the pendant, and add a pendant clasp. (These can be purchased inexpensively wherever craft supplies are sold, but a paper clip would work too.)

You could use a piece of yarn or ribbon, but I hung mine from a chain I had in my jewellery box. Cute, right?

I think this is a fantastic craft for kids of all ages. These Sharpie tinfoil pendants would make a fun homemade gift for Mother's Day too!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple Popsicle Stick Frame... with a button heart

I love the idea of kids making their own gifts for the special people in their lives, don't you? This popsicle stick frame is a perfect DIY gift for Mother's Day, Father's Day, or a special teacher.

To make this adorable kid's craft, start by painting four craft sticks in a bright color.  Then, glue the ends together and embellish with buttons on the corners.

You can fill this frame with a child's drawing, a handprint, a meaningful photo, or this simple button heart.  To make the heart, just draw a heart on a piece of card stock and use glue and buttons to fill it.

Who would your little one make this popsicle stick frame for?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

{Simple} Mother's Day Card

Mother's Day is on Sunday, so I thought I would share a simple Mother's Day card idea with you.  It's a card and gift all in one!  Clever, right?

To make this Mother's Day Card, and {handmade} flower pen, just follow these simple steps:

1)  Take a piece of card stock, and fold it in half to make a card.

2)  Make a flower pen using the tutorial found here.

3)  Use an X-Acto knife or scissors to make slots in the card.

4)  Have the child write "I couldn't pick a better Mommy" on the front of the card.  Then, have him/her   decorate and sign the inside of the card.

5)  Insert the pen.

That's it!  Simple, cute, and practical.  Happy Mother's Day!  

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.

What I Really Want for Mother's Day {and Ginger Cookie Recipe}

For Mother's Day, I don't want jewellery, fancy clothes, or a trip to an exotic location -- they cost too much and don't really fit my lifestyle at the moment anyway.  This year, I have my heart set on something pretty simple -- a big cup of coffee, a couple of homemade cookies, and 30 minutes to enjoy them ALL BY MYSELF.

Don't get me wrong, I love my boys and I cherish my time with them, but I do miss those "long ago" days (before I became a mother) when I could pee by myself and drink a full cup of coffee... sitting down... while it was still hot.  Who's with me?

And, in case my husband reads this and needs more ideas, here are the Top 5 Things I Really Want for Mother's Day.

Isn't this a great list?  What would be on your list of "Things YOU Really Want for Mother's Day"?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (Here's the link for the Ginger Cookies in the picture.)

Don't miss any of the fun....