Fisher Price Favorites

Fisher-Price just came out with a list of 12 Fisher-Price Favourites and it got me thinking about the Fisher-Price products that were (and continue to be) part of my boys' childhoods.  I think every mom has her own favourites, and I have two:  the Little People Animal Sounds Farm and the Ocean Wonders Aquarium.

My three year old playing with his Little People Animal Sounds Farm {and other farm stuff}

My favorite toys are those that allow little ones to pretend and use their imaginations, and the Little People Animal Sounds Farm definitely fits this criteria.  I can't help smiling when I think about all the times my boys "played farm" with each other, and I love that my three year old still frequently asks me to help him set up his animals.  If you have little ones, I highly recommend investing in this one.

And if you are still in the "baby" phase, you should consider the Ocean Wonders Aquarium.  When my boys were babies, they always went to sleep to the sounds of their Ocean Wonders Aquarium, and I remember listening to its calming music on the baby monitor while I crossed my fingers for three full hours of sleep.  :-)  All three boys loved our aquarium... and we were all sad to say good bye to it when my youngest moved to his "big boy bed".

My three year old "helping" take down his crib

What are your Fisher-Price Favourites?  Did they make the official list?  The list includes:
1.    Ocean Wonders Aquarium
2.    My Little Snugabunny Cradle N Swing
3.    Infant to Toddler Rocker
4.    SpaceSaver High Chair
5.    Discover’n Grow Jumperoo
6.    Brilliant Basics Rock a Stack
7.    Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy
8.    Laugh & Learn Say Please Tea Set
9.    Laugh & Learn Click ‘n Learn Remote
10. Brilliant Basics Stroll-Along Walker
11. Little People Wheelies Stand ‘ n Play Rampway
12. Little People Animal Sounds Farm

You can read more about these favorites on the Fisher-Price Site.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Disclosure: I am part of the Fisher-Price Blogger Campaign with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group; however, the opinions on this blog are 100% my own.”

April Fool's Day Treat

I am not a big fan of "pranks", but the last couple of years, I have made my boys a special "treat" on April 1st -- fake grilled cheese sandwiches and purple milk.

Cute, right?  I just added a few drops of blue and red food coloring to regular milk {to turn it purple}.  Then, I made sandwiches using slices of pound cake and icing tinted with red and yellow food coloring.  You could toast the pound cake if you want it to be more authentic, but I didn't bother.  That's it!  Easy peasy!

Are you a fan of April Fool's Day?  How do you celebrate it?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Spring Printable

Don't you just love Spring?  To celebrate the beginning of Spring, I thought I would share this great picture with you... that you can download for FREE.

I took this picture last year while out for a walk with my three year old.  Don't apple blossoms just scream "Spring"?  I think this photo would be a great addition to a Spring mantel.  You can download an 8X10 copy {for free} here.

Has warmer weather arrived where you are?  We still have some snow, but I know I will be smelling apple blossoms soon.  :-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

ECM Kids' Craft Club - #13 {Bunny Ears}

Welcome to the 13th edition of the ECM Kids Craft Club {an easy and inexpensive way for kids to have fun crafting and experience the excitement of getting their very own mail}.  If you want to join the club, you can find more info here.

For everyone who is already a member... let's get started on this month's craft.  This month we are making adorable Bunny Ears for Easter!

Cute, right?  Here's how you make them:

1)  Tape the ends of the three plain/white strips together to create one long white strip.

2)  Make a bunny face in the middle of the long white strip.  Glue on two googly eyes, draw a mouth and whiskers, and cut out (and glue on) a pink nose from craft foam.  Allow to dry completely.

3)  Color and cut out bunny ears (using the bunny ear templates included in the kit).

4)  Tape the bunny ears to the inside of the white strip.  Then, size the strip to the child's head, and tape in place to create a headband.

That's it!  I hope you enjoyed this craft, and I hope you have a very Happy Easter!  {Don't forget to leave me a comment, or send me an email.  Your comments help me improve the club, and I love hearing from you.}  

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't forget... Assist young children when using scissors, and be careful of the small parts included with this kit, as they can be a choking hazard for children under three".)

Leprechaun Trap

Every year my boys put their heads together, make a plan, and build a leprechaun trap for St. Patrick's Day.  Thus far they have been unsuccessful in their attempts to catch a leprechaun, but maybe this is our lucky year.  Here is our lastest version... a "Lego" Leprechaun Trap.

Seriously... what leprechaun could resist this adorable creation? 

The boys used green painting tape to cover a box, I helped them cut out a hole, and they built a Lego staircase.  Pretty clever, aren't they?

All we need to do is add some leprechaun bait (which you can read all about here). 

I think we have a good chance of catching one.  And if we don't... perhaps he'll drop some gold chocolate coins like he did last year.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

You can find more St.Patrick's Day ideas here.

Elf on the Shelf {Easter Card}

Some of you may remember that our "Elf on the Shelf" sent a Valentine to my boys.  They were so thrilled by it, that I thought it would be fun if our "Elfie" dropped off an Easter card too.  My boys will be so excited to find this card beside their baskets on Easter morning.

Would you like a copy?  I have put together a {free} generic, printable 5X7 version, and you can download it here.

Do your little ones miss their "Elf on the Shelf"?  Mine sure do!


Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Simple St.Patrick's Day Cupcakes

My boys love decorating cupcakes with holiday themes, so this year we decorated cupcakes three ways for St. Patrick's Day.

Aren't they cute?  We made vanilla cupcakes, frosted them with buttercream icing, and decorated them with:

1)  Froot Loops
2)  Lucky Charms
3)  Shamrock Sprinkles.

I never buy sugary cereals, so my boys think they hit the jackpot with these cupcake toppings!  :-)

Are you making any St.Patrick's Day treats this year?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

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