I believe birthdays are big milestones for children, and they always make me pause and think about how special these years are with my little boys. In an attempt to remember the little details of my boys' personalities at different ages, I came up with the idea of writing each boy a "Birthday Letter" each year. Here is a snapshot of my "baby" boy at three. :-)
To my sweet three year old boy,
Here are a few of the reasons why you are the most special three year old in the whole world...
- You always say, "Do you wonder ...?" {e.g. I was reading a story and you had a blanket on your head. You said, "Mommy, do you wonder where this voice is coming from?}
- You are really funny. {You are always making Daddy and I laugh.}
- You are hungry all the time, and you eat like a bird when I give you a meal. {I think you would live on crackers if I let you.}
- You are a parrot... and repeat everything your "brudders" say.
- You love playing soccer, baseball, and hockey with Daddy and your "brudders".
- Your favorite show is "The Wiggles", and your favorite color is "green".
- You give great cuddles, and you love to play with my hair... especially when you are sleepy.
- You are super proud that you now have a "real bed" and "big boy underwear". {I am proud of you, but it reminds me that you are no longer a baby, and it makes me a little sad.}
- You have a special blanket that you call "Big Blanket". You like to take off your socks so you can feel how soft your blanket is... with your feet. :-)
- You always give Mommy big hugs and gentle kisses, and I treasure every one.
Happy Birthday! I love you "all the way to the moon" my little angel.