Valentines Bookmarks {for classmates}

My son is not allowed to have candy or sweets at his Preschool, so I thought a bookmark would be a cute Valentine "treat" he could take to his little friends.  It was so simple to make that we were able to assemble enough for his whole class in no time.  :-)

First, we printed some bookmarks on our computer (you could hand write them too), and cut the paper into strips.  (I used a paper cutter but scissors would be fine.)

The bookmarks say, "I ♥ having a friend like you".

For the "heart", I used a heart-shaped picture of my four year old.  I printed them on my computer, and used a heart-shaped punch to cut them out.  (Again... scissors would work too.)

Finally, I punched a hole at the top of the bookmark and added a little ribbon.

Easy, inexpensive, and a great alternative to candy and chocolate!  Happy Valentines Day!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Our FIRST Lost Tooth

We had a big event in our house this weekend -- my six year old lost his first tooth!  Luckily, I had a Tooth Fairy Bag already made for him.  (You can find the tutorial here).

We put the tooth in the bag, and in the morning, the tooth was replaced with money.  Amazing!  {wink}

The tooth fairy also left a certificate and a trail of fairy dust/gold glitter.  (I found this adorable "First Lost Tooth" certificate here.)  You can also get a free "Smile Certificate" from the Canadian Dental Association here.

The fact he is losing his baby teeth doesn't mean he isn't going to be my "baby" anymore, RIGHT??????

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple is Better {Winter Fun}

My boys teach me a lot of things -- the most recent lesson being -- "often, simple is better".  Today, I want to share two REALLY simple and super-fun things you can do with your kids.

1)  Snow Painting -  All you need is a spray bottle filled with water and a few drops of food coloring.  The kids will have a ball using the snow as their canvas.  {I know mine did.}

2)  Glow in the Dark Bathtime - All you need to do is throw a bunch of glow sticks into the bathtub.  Does it get any easier than that?  We did this last night, and my boys thought it was awesome!  {Seriously awesome!}

So... this weekend, give one of these activities a try.  It takes very little effort, and your kids will have a ball... guaranteed.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Sucker Valentines

I am not a huge fan of suckers, but I couldn't resist making this adorable Valentine for my six year old to share with his classmates.  (I guess a sucker on Valentines Day isn't going to hurt.  :-)

The original concept for this idea, wasn't mine -- there are tons of versions on Pinterest.  For my simple version, I got my husband to hold up a dollar store tablecloth behind my six year old.  Then, I got him to pose like this.....

Next, I used an Exacto knife to cut two slits in the picture -- one on top of his fist and one on the bottom.  I inserted a sucker and "ta da", a super cute valentine.  My six year old can't wait to pass out these Valentines to his first grade friends!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Sharing the fun with:
For the Kids Friday Tip Junkie handmade projects

The Hungry Caterpillar

I love to cuddle up and read with my boys.  I think a love of books is a great gift you can give your children.  We have a lot of favorites around here, but "The Hungry Caterpillar" is definitely one of our staples.

While we were reading it the other day, I was reminded of a craft I made when I was a kid.... caterpillars out of egg cartons.  {Don't you just love nostalgic crafts?}

It is a simple craft, but the kids loved it!

I just gave the kids an empty egg carton, and let them color it with markersThen, they added some googly eyes and pipe cleaner antennae.  

You can also help your caterpillar "turn into a butterfly" by adding some wings made of cardstock.

What are some of your favorite books to read with your children?  I am always looking for new stories {aka "excuses to cuddle up on the couch with the boys"}.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.” 
E Buchwald.

Heart Rosette Valentines Wreath {take two}

A couple of weeks ago, I shared a heart-shaped felt rosette wreath I made using a wreath form made from an old cardboard box.  I changed my mind about the ribbon, and thought I would show you my new version.  Here it is:

And in case you missed it, here was what it looked like before.  

Which one do you prefer? The full tutorial for the original wreath can be found here.

... and you can find a tutorial for felt rosettes here.)

I love the classic and clean look of the new version. What do you think?
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

{Make Ahead} Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

I am always looking for ways to get organized, and today I am sharing one of my favorite ways to simplify the "making lunches" process.  I make big batches of baked goods, individually package them, and pop them in the freezer.  Today, my four year old made our favorite Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins.  

The recipe we use can be found at (but we make "mini muffins", and reduce the baking temperature to 350 degrees).

I love three things about this recipe:

1)  The muffins are moist and delicious.

2)  It is a fun to bake them with kids.  "Little hands" can fill the tins with muffin liners, mash the bananas, and add and stir the ingredients.

3)  They make perfect "little treats" for school lunch boxes.  (I freeze them in individual snack bags, which makes them easy to "pop" into lunches each night.)

Give them a try, and let me know what you think.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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