Crayon Valentines {with free printable tags}

Today I am sharing the totally adorable DIY Valentine that my youngest son is giving to his classmates this Valentine's Day. We melted down old crayons to create multi-colored crayon hearts. I also designed a sweet tag that you can download and print {for free}. Cute, right???

To make the recycled crayons:

1) Soak the crayons in water, and have the kids peel the paper off the crayons.
2) Break up the crayons, and put them in a heart-shaped muffin tin. I found this silicon one at the dollar store. (Don't forget to the put the flimsy silicon muffin tin on a cookie sheet before you pop it into the oven.) 
3) Melt the crayons in the oven (at 300 degrees for approximately 10 minutes).
4) Carefully remove the crayons from the oven, and allow to cool completely before removing from the muffin tin.

Look at how beautiful they look when they are finished!

To make them into a Valentine, you are going to want to include a cute little tag. To download the one I designed: right click on the photo below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

Cut the tags, hole punch the corners, and attach the tags to bags containing the crayons (with a little curling ribbon).

My little guy is anxious to share these adorable crayon Valentine's with his friends. I think they are fantastic alternatives to candy and sugary snacks. Happy Valentine's Day!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. It really is simple. Give it a try! :-)

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