7 Healthy Life HACKS for Kids

A big part of being a parent is making sure you do everything you can to raise healthy and happy kids. It's not always easy to get kids to eat right and exercise, but today, I am sharing 7 healthy life hacks that are guaranteed to help make this job a little easier for parents.

1) Feed kids breakfast everyday - Everyone has heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so it is no surprise that growing kids need to start the day with a healthy breakfast. In my house, scrambled egg wraps (a whole wheat tortilla filled with scrambled eggs and cheese) and homemade "instant" oatmeal are popular choices. Note: Using a chip clip from the dollar store to secure the bottom of a wrap is a hack that will make you wonder... "Why didn't I think of that?"

2) Always pack a lunch or a cooler - My boys are always on the go, so for after school activities and weekend trips, I always pack healthy food options. Having a few simple food choices and healthy snacks on hand eliminates the temptation to grab items from vending machines and fast food restaurants.

3) Keep kids active - In this age of technology, it is more important than ever for parents to encourage their kids to get active. Signing kids up for organized sports is great, but it is also important to get kids to run around outside, organize their own games, and ride their bikes. Make exercise fun for kids, play with them, and be their biggest cheerleader!

4) Encourage kids to drink water - Drinking water and keeping hydrated is important for kid. And, as an added bonus, drinking more water means drinking less sugar and caffeine-laden drinks. I always stick water in my boys' lunches and sports bags, and it has become their beverage of choice!

5) Ensure kids get enough sleep - Getting enough sleep is critical for growing kids. There are a lot of sleep recommendation charts online, but I have found that kids will tell you how much sleep they require. Use online suggestions as a guide, but if your kids are cranky and don't have a lot of energy... they probably need more sleep.

6) Take care of kids' teeth - Good oral hygiene is very important for children. If you teach them good habits when they are young, they are more likely to continue to brush, floss and visit the dentist regularly as adults. To make sure kids spend enough time brushing, you can use a timer, or get them to brush for the duration of their favourite song.

7) Give your kids supplements - Fussy eaters (like my boys) may not always get the nutrients they need from the foods they eat. Adding supplements can be the solution to this problem. For example, Nature's Way OmegaSea* is a great tasting, ultra-pure Omega-3 supplement available in chocolate and lemon flavours for families and bubblegum banana for kids (and you won't be left with fish burps!)

One tasty teaspoon a day will give each member of your family a healthy dose of liquid Omega-3 and vitamin D which maintain good health, cardiovascular health, and brain functionality. Additionally, OmegaSea kids helps support brain, eyes, and nerve development in children up to 12 years of age.

OmegaSea is in liquid form, so it is easier to take than capsules, and it can be added to shakes and smoothies.

Discover more about OmegaSea products at www.omegasea.ca, and find them in the pharmacy section at your local Walmart, Rexall, Superstore, Fortino's, and more.

What are some simple ways you are helping your children to live a healthy lifestyle? I'd love to read YOUR healthy life HACKS in the comments below.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

*Disclosure: I have partnered with Nature's Way OmegaSea and have received compensation for this post; however, as always, all opinions in the post are my own.

15 Christmas Gift Ideas for MOMS

Thinking of gifts for everyone on your list can be tough, so I have decided to help you out and make things easier for you. I am putting together fun holiday gift guides for every person you need to buy for this year. Today, I am focussing on the special ladies in our lives. Below, you will find 15 Christmas Gift Ideas for MOMS.

Note: I was NOT paid to include any items on this list. All 15 gift ideas are items that I thought were great or that were recommended to me by my readers. However, I have included a few affiliate links. If you decide to buy a product using one of my affiliate links, you won't pay extra, but I will receive a few cents from your purchase. Thanks for helping support all the free content I provide via this blog.

1) Kindle - This is the one I have, and I love it! The soft light makes it easy to read in bed after the kids have gone to sleep. It's a totally different experience than reading on an iPad. You should totally put this on your list.

2) Memory Card - A memory card is a perfect stocking stuffer for the mom that takes a lot of pictures and enjoys documenting her family's adventures. This one is a great deal and an Amazon bestseller.

3) Personalized Jewellery - I love personalized jewellery, and anything with my boys' names on it makes me smile. How sweet is this reasonably-priced sterling silver necklace?

And I love this name necklace.

4) Fitbit - This is one of the more pricier items on my list, but if you want to splurge a little on mom this year, this is a good option.
5) Gift Cards - Moms always enjoy gift cards for spa visits, clothes, etc... If you are unsure what mom wants this year, a gift card is always the right size and colour!

6) Blanket Scarf - Clothes are always a good choice for moms, and a blanket scarf is a staple for a mom's winter wardrobe. I am seeing this black and red design everywhere... and it screams "cozy"!

7) Cozy PJs - I love a cozy pair of PJs, and the pink cups and donuts on these jammies are simply adorable! Cozy PJs, sugary treats, and coffee? This is what Mom's sweet dreams are made of.

8) Homemade ornament from the kids - Sometimes the best gifts don't come from a store. Gifts made with little hands are my favourites! Getting kids to craft an ornament and create their own wrapping is a great way to show mom love this holiday season.

9) Books or movies - Books and movies are always wonderful gift choices. I love fiction, and I highly recommend anything by Kate Morton. And Beauty and the Beast is a magical movie that mom can enjoy on her own or with the kids. It's a sweet story and guaranteed to bring on nostalgia. 

10) Cinema light box - This is a fun and whimsical gift that is sure to bring a smile to your mom's face. I ordered one for myself, and I can't wait to give it a try!

Here's an example of how I use mine.

11) Coffee - If your mom loves her caffeine almost as much as she loves you, you need to fill her stocking with her favourite brew... and maybe put a fun mug under the tree. I love this funny option.

You could also make your own using the tutorial here.

12) Wine or wine gifts - How cute are these "cozy pink socks"? And what mom couldn't use this fun holiday stocking?

13) Instant pot - Not every mom wants to find an appliance under the tree, but if your mom is always on the lookout for the latest and greatest kitchen gadget -- this is it. I don't have one yet, but I am hearing rave reviews!

14) Subscription - Is there anything more enjoyable than getting something fun in the mail? I love the idea of giving mom a subscription to a magazine, a coffee club, etc... My sister and cousin rave about the FabFitFun box. Maybe it would be a fun thing to find under the tree? (NOTE: If you are interested in this one, check for online codes. I found one coupon code "SUPER" that allows first time buyers to get their first box for only $19.99.)

15) A Break - Gift certificates for house cleaning or car detailing are guaranteed to give mom a break. Or, kids can create a coupon book where the coupons can be redeemed for tasks around the house: laundry, picking up toys, etc... Every mom could use a break during the holidays... am I right?

I hope you love this list as much as I do. I really do think there is something on this list for everyone. What are YOU hoping to find under the tree this year?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

10 Christmas Gift Ideas for young HOCKEY players (under $100)

As soon as the weather starts to cool, I start thinking about Christmas shopping, don't you? With that in mind, I thought that this year I would help out my readers by putting together a couple of gift guides. Today, I am sharing a list of fantastic gift ideas for young hockey players.

Note: I was NOT paid to include any items in this list. All 10 gift ideas are items that I thought were cute or that my boys have (and love). However, I have included a few affiliate links. If you decide to buy a product using one of my affiliate links, you won't pay extra, but I will receive a few cents. Thanks for helping support all the free content I provide via this blog.

1) Name Stickers - I love labels, and these jerseys are perfect for a hockey fan. What could be better than being organized, not losing things, and adding a cute name sticker to personal belongings?

You could also order a larger version for their room. Order a team jersey wall decal in their team colours here.

2) Personalized Pillow - I love this pillow that I found on Amazon. I don't have this one, but I know my boys would love it!

3) Hockey Books - Every child needs a book for Christmas, and one with a hockey theme is sure to inspire a young hockey fan to get reading. Some of my boys' favourites for younger kids are: Just One Goal by Robert Munsch, Hockey Night Tonight by Stompin Tom Connors, and The Magic Hockey Stick by Peter Maloney.

There are also great hockey books for older kids. This one is on my shopping list this year: Young Leafs:The Making of a New Hockey History by Gare Joyce.

4) NHL 18 - We still have a PS3, but my boys are dying to play NHL18. Maybe Santa will bring them a PS4. The graphics on these games make them super-fun to play!

5) Playmobil Arena - My eight year old got this a few years ago, and he still plays with it weekly. It's definitely worth adding it to your Christmas list!

6) Something Homemade - Not every great gift comes from a store. This inexpensive DIY costs very little, and is super-easy to make. Transform an old hockey stick into custom decor using the step-by-step guide here.

7) Gongshow Gear - My oldest son is obsessed with Gongshow hats. He recently used his own money to buy this one... and I'm sure a new style will make his Christmas list this year.

8) Sauce Kit - My oldest son asked for a "sauce kit" last year, and he has been using it frequently ever since. He even took it to the beach on our summer vacation.

9) HS Dryland Flooring Tiles - My boys have 9 of these tiles, and they use them all the time. They are great for practicing stick handling and shooting.

10) Summer Skates - These skates are super-cute, and really comfortable. My oldest son received a pair for his birthday, and they are really high quality... and perfect for wearing in hotel rooms on hockey trips.
Do you have a young hockey player on your list? Of course jerseys, tape, laces, skate guards, hockey bags, hockey dryers, sticks, etc... are always good choices too. What is your players "must have" list this hockey/Christmas season?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

How to Help Children Cope with the Death of a Loved One

Recently, I lost my 93 year old grandfather. I was with him during his final days, and it was a very emotional experience for me. My children were also very close to him, and they definitely grieved the loss with me. At the time, I was very unsure how much to expose my boys to. I learned a lot, and today I am sharing advice I received and things I learned about how to help children cope with the death of someone they loved.

1) Let the Kids Be Your Guide - You know your children best, so you are the best judge of what they can/ can't handle. Let them know that whatever they feel/ want to do is OK. Every person grieves differently, so children should be able to attend/not attend events if that is how they feel. Trust your mommy instincts!

2) Ask the Experts - Ask parents that have gone through it, read books, and consult child psychologists/experts. The more information you can collect, the better prepared you will be to meet the needs of your child.

3) Set the Stage - Tell children what they can expect to see/ hear during this difficult time. Fear of the unknown is big for kids. Also, warn them how sad everyone is going to be, and let them know it is OK. It can be scary for children to see their loved ones upset (especially if this is not their normal experience).

4) Focus on the Positive - Teach children that families and friends come together in times of sadness to support each other. This is a very comforting and reassuring lesson.

5) Involve Them - "Doing things" helps prevent children from feeling powerless. At my grandfather's funeral, my oldest son wrote (and read) a tribute to his great grandfather, and all my boys sang a hymn. Younger children can pass out programs, draw pictures, or make photo collages. Little things mean a lot to kids, and participating will allow them to feel like they are a part of the activities of remembrance. 

6) Watch Them Closely - Let children do/participate as they are comfortable, but watch them closely. If they appear to be afraid or overwhelmed, have someone ready to remove them from the situation. Be aware of the "tough moments" and adjust accordingly. Final goodbyes by those closest to the deceased, open caskets, and burials can be tough. It may make sense to shelter them from things that might be beyond their comfort level.

7) Keep Talking - Keep an open dialogue, and answer all your children's questions honestly. Sharing your faith and stories of remembrance is helpful and comforting too. Sometimes reading a book together can be a good way to open a dialogue. The Invisible String is a great book for younger childen. (Note: This is an affiliate link. If you purchase this book with this link, it won't cost you any more, but I will make a few sense from your purchase.)

Death is a sad (but natural) part of life, so allowing children to learn to grieve can be very helpful. Have you had to deal with the loss of a loved one? What did you find helpful? I'm not an expert (just a mom who has gone through it), so any advice you can share in the comment thread is appreciated.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Pumpkin Carving Ideas

Carving pumpkins is one of my favourite Halloween traditions. It's a wonderful way for a family to spend time together exploring their creativity. It's always fun to come up with new designs, and today, I'm sharing the pumpkins that my boys and I created this year.

Of course, my hockey loving boys wanted a hockey player pumpkin, so we painted this tribute to our favourite team. Go Leafs Go!

We also used a "scraping" technique to make a Maple Leaf pumpkin.

And, of course, we had to carve a traditional scary pumpkin face. Pretty fun, right?

I love how our pumpkins turned out this year. We used three different techniques, had lots of fun, and devoured a feast of roasted pumpkin seeds.

Did you carve pumpkins this year? What techniques and designs did you use? I'm already looking for inspiration for next year. Happy Halloween!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple Halloween DIY... using dollar store push lights

A few years ago, I created a mummy door using white streams and eyes made from card stock. Since then, I've been recreating my festive Halloween door annually... but this year, I decided to "take it up a notch". This year, I used streams of cheese cloth and glowing eyes!

For the eyes, I used "push lights" that I got at the dollar store. They are inexpensive and battery operated.

Then, I used Sharpies to transform the "push lights" into eyeballs, and I attached strong magnets to the back with hot glue.

I used tape to attach strips of cheesecloth to my front door, and then I attached the eyes. (My door is metal, so they attach easily with the magnets. If your door isn't metal, I would suggest try Command strips.)

The eyes look adorable during the day, but are even more impressive at night!

This is a seriously simple Halloween DIY. It's a small project that has a big impact... and your children and guests will be frightfully impressed!

Happy Halloween!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS - You can find more easy and inexpensive Halloween ideas here.

Don't miss any of the fun....