EYEball Halloween Treats... with free printable tags

No child should feel left out during the holidays, so I think it is important to have allergy-friendly treat options available at Halloween. Each year, I strive to come up with unique, easy and inexpensive treats for my boys to share with thei classmates. This year, my 8 year old is bringing these adorable eyeball glasses with super-cute packaging.

I found "eyeball" bags to package the "eyeball" glasses, and I designed "EYE hope you have a FANGtastic Halloween!" tags. For my son, I used Picmonkey.com to transform his photo into a picture of a vampire, but I also designed some generic tags that you can download for free (below).

Here is what the treat looks like using the generic tags. Cute, right?

To download the tags I designed: right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I love how cute these treats are, and it makes me happy that ALL the kids in the class will be able to enjoy them.

Will your little ones be sharing Halloween treats with their classmates this year? Will you have allergy-friendly treats ready to hand out to trick-or-treaters? I hope you enjoy the free printable tags I am sharing today. I really think they up the cuteness factor, don't you?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Halloween Class Treats: FANGS (with free printable tags)

My boys love taking Halloween treats to school, but nutrition and allergies are always concerns. So, each year I challenge myself to come up with a sugar-free and allergy-safe option that is easy, inexpensive and fun. This year, I found fang whistles at Walmart and I packaged them up with cute little tags. I'm sharing the details and a few "free" tag options below!
The first tags I designed using Picmonkey.com. (You can use any photo editing software, but I love Picmonkey because it's free and easy to use.) I turned my son's picture into a picture of a vampire, and I added a "Have a FANGtastic Halloween!" note. Cute, right?

I also created a generic tag that you can download for free.

To download and use the tag I designed (for free): right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I love the way these treats turned out, and the fact that they are allergy-friendly means that no one in the class will feel left out.

Are you planning to send Halloween treats to school this year? What are you planning to send? I have a bunch of different options on my blog, but this "FANG"tastic treat idea is one of my favourites!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

FREE Halloween Printable (Eat, Drink, and Be Scary)

Who doesn't love simple (and FREE) DIY home decor... especially for the holidays? Recently, I designed a fun purple and orange Halloween print, and today I am sharing it with you. You can download the 8X10 print for FREE, and pop it in an inexpensive dollar store. Cute, right?

There is nothing frightening about this "Eat, Drink, and Be Scary" print. It is pure cuteness!

To download the print: right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 print. (I printed mine at a local copy store for 39 cents!)

I hope you take a minute to download and print this cute Halloween Print. It will definitely be a unique and inexpensive addition to your home decor on October 31st.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Eat, Drink and Be Scary (allergy safe Halloween treats for kids)

Halloween should be safe, inclusive and fun... so it's important to be aware that many children have life threatening food allergies. If you see a child with a teal pumpkin this Halloween, make sure you have a non-food treat ready to give them. Sending allergy safe treats to class parties is important too. Today, I am sharing a simple allergy safe Halloween treat and FREE printable tags.

The dollar store sells many cute Halloween straws. I packaged mine with a peanut-free chocolate bar, and I attached a note that says, "Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!" Cute, right?

To download the free printable tags I designed: right-click on the photo below, safe it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I love the idea of handing out non-candy Halloween options, don't you? It is such a perfect solution when nutrition policies and allergies are concerns. Everyone should have the opportunity to have a Happy Halloween!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

10 Netflix Shows You Will LEARN Something From Watching

Let's face it, children and adults turn to screens because they want to be entertained... but they can also learn a lot from the shows they watch. Today I am sharing TEN Netflix* shows that are BOTH entertaining AND educational!

5 Educational Shows for Kids:

Justin Time - A delightful show about a boy and his friends going on historical adventures. (Great for younger kids.)

Storybots - A wonderful show about curious creatures who live in the world beneath our screens and and go on fun adventures to answer kids' questions. (Great for younger kids.)

Magic School Bus Rides Again - A fun reboot of the 1994 series that educates young viewers about science via exciting new field-trips, locations, creatures, time periods and more. (Great for younger kids.)

Brain Games - An interesting show about how the brain processes information. (Great for older kids.)

Planet Earth - One of the many fantastic documentaries on Netflix that will allow kids to learn more about the world they live in. (Great for children of all ages.)

5 Educational Shows for Adults:

The Crown - Drama that will entertain you and teach you more about the Royal Family.

Narcos - Drama that will be interesting for viewers who want to learn about infamous cartels.

Bill Nye Saves the World - A talk show (hosted by Bill Nye) that explores scientific topics that touch our lives.

Founder - Drama about the founding of McDonalds and the way it revolutionized the way we eat.

Making a Murderer - One of the many wonderful documentaries on Netflix. This one documents one convict's dealings with the criminal justice system.

So what are you waiting for? Now that I have given you a few show ideas, it's time to turn on your favourite device, and Stream Yourself Smarter. Happy viewing!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

*Disclosure: I receive special gifts and perks as part of my affiliation with Netflix.... however (as always) the opinions on this blog are 100% my own.

Halloween Wine... with free printable labels

Halloween is fun for kids, but it can also be a time for adults to celebrate. I love the idea of Halloween wine as a gift for a neighbour or a beverage at a Halloween party. Today, I am sharing free printable wine labels that are cute, clever, and fun for grown ups to enjoy on October 31st!

I'm loving this wine for "mummy". Use masking tape and googly eyes to transform an ordinary bottle of wine into festive spirits. Then, add a label with tape.

You can also use the label on its own.

To download the labels I designed (for free): right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

These labels are great for sharing a "not so spooky treat" this Halloween. I hope you enjoy using this idea and that you share it with friends. Happy Halloween!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Holiday crafts are fun for kids, and today I am sharing some simple Thanksgiving crafts that your kids will love. While the children are busy making adorable turkey crafts, you will have the time you need to peel the vegetables for your turkey dinner. Clever, right?

1) Tissue paper turkey - Tissue paper squares in Fall colours can be used to create this adorable turkey craft. Kids will love this one! Find the full "how to" here.

2) Scrapbook paper turkey - Angular shapes and colourful paper come together to create this fun art deco turkey. Find the full "how to" here.

3) Handprint turkeys - No one can resist a handprint craft for a holiday. It's a craft and a keepsake in one adorable package! Find the full "how to" here.

4) Scrap Paper Turkey - It doesn't get much easier than this sweet scrap paper turkey. Cut different shapes from scrap paper, and glue them to a piece of construction paper. Then, glue on two brown circles, an orange beak, and googly eyes. 

Do you have a favourite turkey craft? I hope you enjoy making one of mine with your little one, and I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss any of the fun....