DIY Teacher Gift -- Flower Pens

This is my favorite kind of project..... an easy and inexpensive DIY gift!  My boys wanted to take something to their teachers on the first day of school, so I decided to make some pretty "flower pens".

All you need are some fake flowers, pens, and floral tape.

Step 1:  Cut the flower so that it is slightly shorter than the pen.

Step 2:  Wrap the tape around the pen and flower.  {I started in the middle, wrapped to the bottom, and then wrapped to the top.}

Step 3:  Pinch the end to seal.

That's it!  Easy, cute and practical.  What teacher wouldn't love a bouquet of these pens on the first day of school?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.

ECM Kids' Craft Club - #6 {Puppy Puppet}

Welcome to the 6th edition of the {East Coast Mommy} Kids Craft Club {an easy and inexpensive way for kids to have fun crafting and experience the excitement of getting their very own mail}.  If you want to join the club, you can find more info hereFor everyone who is already a member... this month, we are making a Puppy Puppet!

Ready with all your supplies?

OK... let's get started.

1)  First, fold your sheet of paper into thirds, and then fold it into an accordian.  {Per below.}  Note:  You can tape the edges together after the first fold for a neater look, but it isn't necessary.

2)  Cut out the two black doggy ears and the black circle (snout), and tape or glue into place.

3)  Use tape or glue to attach the doggy's eyes and nose.

That's it!  Cute, right?

Stick your thumb in the bottom section and your fingers in the top section, and your puppy is ready perform.  :-) 

I hope you had fun making this craft.  {Don't forget to leave me a comment, or send me an email.  Your comments help me improve the club, and I love hearing from you.} 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't forget... Assist young children when using scissors, and be careful of the small parts included with this kit, as they can be a choking hazard for children under three".)

{Bubbles} and a {Fun Summer Lunch}

We are still working through our Summer Checklist, and yesterday we checked off #8 {Make Homemade Bubbles}.  We also had a fun little lunch.  I made some peanut butter sandwiches, cut out flower shapes with a cookie cutter, added some banana "leaves" and a cheese string stem... and voila!

Have you ever made homemade bubbles?  It is easy, inexpensive, and loads of fun.  Mix 12 cups of water with 1 cup light corn syrup.  Stir gently.  Then, add 2 cups of liquid dish soap, and stir gently again.

You can buy bubble wands, or experiment with making your own with things around the house.  My boys really enjoyed this part.

Are you working on your own summer checklist?  What has been your favorite activity so far?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.

Back to School {Banner and Lunch Idea}

It is almost time to head back to school, so today I am sharing two fun ideas with you:  a {simple} back-to-school book-page banner and a {super-easy} lunch idea.  

Let's start with the banner. 

To make the banner:

1) Draw {or print out} five apple pictures.
2) Have the kids color the pictures.
3) Trim 5 pages out of an old book, and cut a triangle shape from the bottom of each page.
4) Cut out the apples and attach to the book pages using double sided tape.
5) Hole punch the top of each page.  Then, string all the pages together using a piece of twine.

Cute, right?  Now, are you ready for the easiest lunch idea ever?  Last year, I shared my "go to" lunch idea, and I got a lot of great feedback.  So, I thought I would share another {even easier} lunch idea this year.

My boys aren't big on sandwiches -- except for peanut butter {which they aren't allowed to take to their "nut free" school}.  So, some days I give them a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and cereal for lunch.  I put the cereal in a thermos, and they pour the milk in at lunch time.  I add some sugar-free applesauce, fruit, cheese, and homemade graham crackers for a treat .  

What are some of your favorite "go to" lunches?  With a new school year starting, I can use all the help I can get!
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Avonlea Village {Prince Edward Island}

I know a lot of my readers aren't local, but if you ever find yourself in Prince Edward Island, you should definitely take your little ones to Avonlea Village.

Based on the "Anne of Green Gables" books by Lucy Maud Montgomery, a visit to Avonlea Village is like stepping back in time.  We visited last week, and my boys {and their cousins} loved the perfect blend of live theatre, music, and children's activities.

Have you ever been to Prince Edward Island?  Do you have a favorite place to take your little ones?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

Play Cafe

Here is a fantastic way to spend the morning, and a great way to add some fun to lunch -- have the kids create their own "Cafe".

To set up our "cafe", my boys made their own lunch menu and place mats {using self laminating sheets from the dollar store}.  Then, they helped me set the table, and I took their "orders".

It was really fun {and easy}, and the boys are still proudly using the place mats they made.  :-) 


Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

* You can find me on facebook here.

5 Simple Summer Crafts

Sometimes a "quick and easy" craft is exactly what little ones need on a summer afternoon.  These 5 cute and simple crafts that my boys made at camp are perfect to keep little hands busy.

Suncatcher:  This one involves glue, so my boys loved it.  Pour a thin layer of white glue into a plastic lid, add some "treasures", and allow to dry completely.  Peel out the suncatcher, attach a string, and hang it in a window.

Magnet Movers:  Draw a road on a piece of paper.  Then take two "attracting magnets" and attach one to a pom pom creature, and one to a folded paper "handle".  Put the creature on the top of the paper and the other magnet on the bottom of the paper.  The kids will have a great time moving the pom pom creatures around "like magic".

Noisemaker {Kazoo}:  Decorate a toilet paper roll, and secure some wax paper to the top with an elastic.  Easy Peasy!

Silly Frog:  Draw a simple frog on card stock, color it and cut it out.  Then, cut a slit for a party favor "tongue".  Simple and silly!

Handprint Art:  The possibilities for handprint art are endless, but this little crab is adorable.  Cover two little hands in red paint, press to paper and add a couple of googly eyes.

Have you ever made any of these?  I remember a couple of them from my childhood.  :-)


Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss any of the fun....