Nature Scavenger Hunt {with free printable}

A few years ago, I designed a simple scavenger hunt for my boys, and it was a lot of fun.  It continues to be a very popular post, so I thought it would be fun to design an updated version.  You can download and print the NEW nature scavenger hunt for free below.

This printable list is perfect for little ones that can't read, but it is fun for older kids too.

To download and print the scavenger hunt: right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 photo.

I hope you enjoy this new nature scavenger hunt.  It's a wonderful excuse to get outside, have some fun, and spend time together.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Please note: East Coast Mommy printables are for personal, non-commercial use only. If you are pinning or sharing this post, please share from this page and don't include this picture/download on your own website. Thank you!

Simple Campfire Treats

The boys and I love campfires, and (for us) no campfire is complete without a tasty campfire treat. Of course, roasting marshmallows is always fun, but today I am sharing a few of our favorite simple campfire treats.

1) Non traditional s'mores - Everyone loves s'mores, but we like to shake things up by experimenting with different cookie and chocolate choices. We love smushing a toasted marshmallow between two chocolate chip cookies or using a Reese peanut butter cup. Yum!

And if you feel really ambitious, you can set up a full s'more bar. Fill a tray with different options for cookies and chocolate, and let everyone select their favourites.

Everyone will love combining the ingredients to make their own creations.

I also like to put out a container of wipes for sticky fingers.

And if you want to put out a fun "s'mores bar" sign", you can print the one I designed for FREE. Just click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 photo.

2) Cinnamon sugar treat - This delicious snack is made from biscuit dough, butter, and cinnamon sugar. It's a delicious alternative to s'mores, and you can find the recipe here.

3) Campfire cones - This campfire treat is as fun to make as it is to eat. Just fill a waffle cone with bits of fruit, cookies, marshmallows and chocolate chips. Then, wrap it in foil (attached to a toasting fork or stick), and have the kids toast it until it is ooey gooey.

4) BBQ'd Donuts - If you have never tried BBQ donuts, what are you waiting for?!? A warm toasted donuts is the perfect campfire treat. Find the instructions here.

Aren't these all fantastic campfire treat ideas? Do you have a camping recipe that I should try this summer? I'd love to try something new!

♥ Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Last Day of School 2015

Today was the last day of school for my boys, so I thought I would share some pictures from our day... and share a few of our last day of school traditions.

We always take an end of year picture, the boys go to school, and when I pick them up, we head out for ice cream!

After ice cream, we go home where I have a finish line waiting for my boys.  They LOVE this tradition!

And, although we don't do "grading gifts", the boys always get new books.  They love new books, and I love that it helps to keep them reading over the summer!

We had a fantastic last day of school, and now we are looking forward to summer vacation. Bring on the sunshine!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Number Crafts and Activities (1-10)... including free worksheets and craft templates

I teach a weekly class for Preschoolers called "123 Learn with Me".  It's a 10 week class, and each week we learn about a new number through fun activities and crafts.  Today, I am sharing links to all TEN awesome lesson plans and NUMBER CRAFTS.

Click on the links to download the worksheets and craft templates for FREE.

NUMBER ONE crafts and activities - The highlight of our "number one" crafting session was an adorable (and colorful) paper plate bird.  Free worksheets can be downloaded by clinking the link.

NUMBER TWO crafts and activities - The "One Fish Two Fish" handprint craft is seriously cute, and a fun way to learn about the number two.  Free templates can be downloaded by clicking the link.

NUMBER THREE crafts and activities - We learned about the number three through "The Three Little Pigs". The puppets and houses were a hit with the kids, and you can download the templates for free by clicking the link.

NUMBER FOUR crafts and activities - We learned about the number four via some great worksheets and by crafting these adorable (personalized) cupcake liner flowers. Cute, right?  All the worksheets and templates can be downloaded by clicking the link.

NUMBER FIVE crafts and activities - We had a lot of fun learning about the number five during our teddy bear picnic.  You can find everything you need to host your own picnic by clicking the link.

NUMBER SIX crafts and activities - We went on a Pirate adventure and learned all about the number six.  The highlight was the pirate treasure chest craft containing six jewels.  You can download all the worksheets and templates by clicking the link.

NUMBER SEVEN crafts and activities - We learned all about the number seven via a "too cute for words" love bug with seven spots.  Crafting a number seven headband was also a lot of fun for the kids.  You can download the entire number seven lesson plan by clicking the link.

NUMBER EIGHT crafts and activities - What has eight legs? Well, the answer is... the adorable octopus and spider crafts we made to learn about the number eight.  Free templates can be found by clicking the link.

NUMBER NINE crafts and activities - We had a lot of fun learning about the number nine, and the highlight was definitely our monster with nine eyes.  You can download all the number nine templates and worksheets by clicking the link.

NUMBER TEN crafts and activities - The kids had a great time using their ten fingers to make an adorable owl craft.  You can download this craft, and additional craft templates and worksheets, by clicking the link.

Isn't crafting a fun way to teach little ones about their numbers? I hope you enjoy all the free worksheets and templates. Happy crafting!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS - You can grab a copy of my 40+ page "Numbers" WORKBOOK here.

Summer Checklist {2015}

Every year my boys and I start the summer by coming up with a summer checklist.  We always have 50 items, we print the list, and we "check off" items as they are completed. Our last activity is always a "have ice cream for supper" celebration!  Here's our 2015 Summer Checklist.

To print a copy of this checklist: right-click on the picture (above), save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 photo.  (I sent mine to our local supply store and had it printed for $0.39.)

I have also included some helpful links below.

1) Celebrate Canada Day or the 4th of July
2) Watch fireworks or attend a parade
3) Have a teddy bear picnic

4) Go to a splash pad or swim in a pool
5) Host a "half sleepover"
6) Go to a farmer's market
7) Visit the library and read a book outside
8) Make homemade bubbles
9) Go fishing or hiking
10) Have a family movie night outside
11) Paint rocks or make patio stones

12) Pick out a toy or treat at the dollar store
13) Plant something and watch it grow
14) Visit a wildlife park, farm or zoo
15) Build a fort
16) Create a simple backyard water park

17) Play baseball, soccer, golf or street hockey
18) Make ice cream or go to an ice cream stand
19) Go for a bike ride
20) Decorate a cake or bake cookies
21) Spend time at a cottage, beach or park
22) Do a science experiment
23) Play a board game
24) Go geo-caching

25) Have a "kids pick the meals" day
26) Play mini golf
27) See a play or visit a museum
28) Have a lemonade stand
29) Try a new food
30) Have a theme day (e.g. a pirate day or superhero day)
31) Camp in the backyard or living room
32) Have a PJ day
33) Build a large puzzle
34) Make a summer reading list or keep a summer journal
35) Fly a kite
36) Have a dance party in the living room
37) Go on a scavenger hunt

38) Build an obstacle course
39) Play with water balloons
40) Do a good deed or raise money for charity
41) Visit a new city or town
42) Play "tag"
43) Roast marshmallows or make a different campfire treat
44) Write and mail a letter or postcard
45) Run in a race
46) Craft a boat and float it down a river
47) __________________________
48) __________________________
49) __________________________

Do you have a favorite summer checklist activity? I'd love to hear about it!  The boys and I are always looking for new adventures.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Class Treats {Minion Cookies}... with free printable tags

My boys love bringing simple treats to their friends on the last day of school, and this year, my 7 year old really wanted to bring packages of Minion cookies. We added a note that said, "You're one in a Minion!", and today I am sharing the free printable tags that I designed.

I love how easy and inexpensive these treats are... and the tags are nothing short of adorable!

To print the tags: right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

My son is super-excited to share these sweet treats with his friends. Bring on summer!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Teacher Totes and Tags

I adore teachers, and I love giving them gifts they can actually use. This year, I purchased some adorable tote bags for some of my boys teachers, and today I am sharing the sweet gift tags I designed to go with them.

I made a few versions of the tags, so they work for all types of teachers. This is a great gift for the last day of school, Christmas, or teacher appreciation.  

To download the tags for free: right-click on one of the pictures below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

Aren't the free downloadable tags adorable?

I think this is a fantastic teacher gift, don't you?  My boys are excited to share these gifts.  What is your favorite teacher gift to give/receive?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss any of the fun....