Are your supplies ready?
OK. Let's get started:
1) Cut out all the pieces of the template. You have one leprechaun puppet and three shirts. {Make sure you don't cut the "tabs" off the shirts. A grownn up will have to help younger kids with this part.}
2) Stick on a green or yellow nose and glue on the googly eyes.
4) Tape the popsicle stick to the back.
That's it! You can now change your leprechaun's shirts by placing them on the leprechaun and folding over the tabs.
I hope you enjoyed making this craft and that you have a very HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY. {Don't forget to leave me a comment, or send me an email. Your comments help me to improve the club, and I love hearing from you.}
Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
Remember... Assist young children when using scissors, and be careful of the small parts included with this kit, as they can be a choking hazard for children under three.