Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label camping. Show all posts


Recently, my family inherited an RV that had been owned by a couple (rather than a family). The previous owners removed the table and chairs, which made it difficult for our family to have meals and play games. So, to solve this problem, my husband and I came up with an easy and inexpensive IKEA hack for our RV.

We removed the large chair and small table that they had, and we replaced it with a desk, two chairs, and a bench (which all came from IKEA). Here is what we purchased:

For the table, we used the Linnmon desk.

We also purchased two Stefan chairs.

And to finish off our set, we purchased a Hemnes bench.

Now we have a perfect place for our boys and their cousins to eat breakfast, and a fun place to play cards (as a family) on rainy days.

Does your family have an RV? Have you made any modifcations to it? I'd love to hear about your RV upgrades and IKEA hacks!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Simple Campfire Treats

The boys and I love campfires, and (for us) no campfire is complete without a tasty campfire treat. Of course, roasting marshmallows is always fun, but today I am sharing a few of our favorite simple campfire treats.

1) Non traditional s'mores - Everyone loves s'mores, but we like to shake things up by experimenting with different cookie and chocolate choices. We love smushing a toasted marshmallow between two chocolate chip cookies or using a Reese peanut butter cup. Yum!

And if you feel really ambitious, you can set up a full s'more bar. Fill a tray with different options for cookies and chocolate, and let everyone select their favourites.

Everyone will love combining the ingredients to make their own creations.

I also like to put out a container of wipes for sticky fingers.

And if you want to put out a fun "s'mores bar" sign", you can print the one I designed for FREE. Just click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8X10 photo.

2) Cinnamon sugar treat - This delicious snack is made from biscuit dough, butter, and cinnamon sugar. It's a delicious alternative to s'mores, and you can find the recipe here.

3) Campfire cones - This campfire treat is as fun to make as it is to eat. Just fill a waffle cone with bits of fruit, cookies, marshmallows and chocolate chips. Then, wrap it in foil (attached to a toasting fork or stick), and have the kids toast it until it is ooey gooey.

4) BBQ'd Donuts - If you have never tried BBQ donuts, what are you waiting for?!? A warm toasted donuts is the perfect campfire treat. Find the instructions here.

Aren't these all fantastic campfire treat ideas? Do you have a camping recipe that I should try this summer? I'd love to try something new!

♥ Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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