DIY Super Hero Party

My two youngest boys just turned four and two, and we had a really fun Super Hero party.  It was easy to find "Spiderman" stuff, but in order to include their other favorites, we had to get creative.  

(Don't my boys look adorable in their "Super Grover" t-shirts?  :-)

Here is how we hosted the ultimate DIY Super Hero Party:

1)  When the guests arrived, they were greeted by a "Welcome to Super Hero Training Camp" sign.  They were then directed to a table where, they selected a picture of their favorite Super Hero.  All the pictures were cut out, and a popsicle stick was added to create a "puppet" they could take home.

Welcome to Super Hero Training Camp

Grab a Super Hero Mask and Start Crafting

Super Hero Puppets to take home

2)  After the guests finished their craft, they were given a Super Hero Mask and Super Hero Cape with their initial, and they decorated their capes with foam stickers.  (You can find the tutorial for the capes here and the masks here.)  

Felt Super Hero Capes for all the guests

Decorating capes to take home

3)  After the capes were decorated, we had cake and opened presents.  (The simple Spiderman cakes I made were a big hit!)

Simple Super Hero Cakes

Super Heroes with their Cakes

4)  To end the party, we had a "Super Hero Obstacle Course", and each child received a certificate when they completed it.  A few of the key elements of the Obstacle Course are pictured below.

Super Hero Obstacle Course

Spiderman Photo Booth

Jumping Over Tall Buildings

Weight Lifting

Graduation Certificate

Everything ran smoothly (given the number of pint-sized guests :-), and a good time was had by all.  Lots of happy little Super Hero Graduates!

Here are a couple of  *bonus* tips:

I used a picture of the birthday boys dressed as Super Heroes for the cover of the invitation.

Each guest was given a bag with their name on it.  It helped them to keep track of their "stuff"

I made a Super Hero Banner with all their favorite Super Heroes on it.  I included my boys picture too!  :-)

I printed some really cute personalized tags for the loot bags.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

You might also be interested in the fun DIY party ideas here.

Fishing Fun!

Inspired by Dr.Seuss's One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, the boys and I decided to have {what they called} a "fishing party".  Doesn't everything sound more fun when you add "party" to the end of it???  

Here is what we did:

First, we made some fish.  The boys traced a fish template I made, cut them out, and added a googly eye.

Second, we had a snack while we were waiting for the glue to dry.  We had Goldfish and peanut butter sandwiches cut out with a fish-shaped cookie cutter.  (The eye of the fish is a chocolate chip.)

Third, we made a fishing rod out of a dowel, some ribbon, and a clothespin.  We used gummie worms for bait.

It was easy and fun and kept them entertained for hours.  Give it a try, and let me know how it goes.  :-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)
PS (If you like this, you might also like our Pirate Play Date.  Check it out here.)

5 Easy Things to Make out of a Box

Empty boxes are perfect for making things for kids to play with -- they are free and the possibilities are endless.  "Box" crafts are a great way to get kids using their imaginations and learning about "reusing"/recycling.  Here are a few things my boys and I have made using boxes and stuff we had lying around the house.

1)  Photo Booth 

You'll need: a tall box, a poster (of a favorite character, sports figure, or singer), some tape or glue, and an X-Acto knife (or other cutting tool).

To make a photo booth: 
  • Cut the back out of the box, and reinforce with packing tape (to make it a little stronger).
  • Tape or glue the poster to the front of the box.
  • Cut out the head of the person/character with an X-Acto knife.
2)  Bean Bag Toss Game

You'll need: a box with a lid, a picture (of anything/anyone the child likes), some paint and Modge Podge, and an X-Acto knife (or other cutting tool).

For a step by step tutorial, click here.

3)  Box Car

You'll need: a box big enough for a child to sit in, some paper plates for wheels and a steering wheel, and whatever else your child wants to use to decorate their car.

Just let the child drive the creative process, and you can help him/her implement it.  You'll be amazed at what he/she will come up with. 

4)  Puppet Theatre

You'll need: a box of any size (we used a diaper box), stuff to decorate the box (we used paper, crayons, and stickers), scrap material, tape, scissors, and a stapler. 

To make a puppet theatre: 
  • Cut the flaps off the box.  (This will be the back of the theatre.)
  • Cut a square out of the front of the box.
  • Decorate box.
  • Staple the fabric to the top of the box (leaving an opening in the middle of the "curtain").

5)  Buildings

You'll need: boxes of various shapes and sizes, construction paper, tape (for attaching the paper), and black electrical tape.

To make buildings:
  • Cover the boxes in construction paper - securing with tape.
  • Cut electrical tape into tiny squares and attach "windows".
  • Cut two strips of electrical tape and attach "doors".
My boys use their buildings when they are setting up their cars and trucks.   

It is amazing how entertaining boxes can be.  I would love to see/hear what you have made from boxes in your house.  Leave a comment below, or email me at

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Birthday Letter to my Awesome Four Year Old

Today, my middle son turns four. (If anyone knows how I can slow down time, please comment below.)  

Here is our first picture together.


Last week (when my youngest turned two), I came up with the idea of writing "Birthday Letters" for each boy every year on their birthday.  Here is this year's birthday letter for my spunky, second born son.

Today you turn four.  I can hardly believe you have gotten so big, and I am happy that I still have one more year with you before you start "big boy" school.  We have a lot of playing and cuddling to do before then!  :-)

Here is a "snap shot" of what makes you the most special four year old in the whole world.
  • I love the way you say the color "lellow"
  • You idolize your big brother, and run to greet him with a big hug when he gets off the school bus.
  • You love your little brother -- you are buddies, and you love to play with him and teach him things.
  • You love to cuddle, and you need to sit on my lap when I read you stories.
  • You love playing sports.... anything with a ball or a puck.
  • When you watch "Super Why", you sing the theme song at the top of your lungs, and it makes me smile every time.
  • Sometimes, when you are trying to get my attention, you yodel.  (You are always making Daddy and I laugh!)
  • You love to sing and dance.  (Dancing to Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal is one of your favorites.  You always wear a black hat and take it very seriously.)
  • You love when Daddy tickles you. 
  • You love baking with Mommy.
  • You love playing cars with your brothers, and you want to be a race car driver when you grow up.  (I sure hope you change your mind and decide to do something less dangerous.)
  • You always cuddle your Blankie, suck your thumb, and play with your hair when you are tired. 
  • You have an adorable and infectious giggle.
  • You give big hugs and soft kisses.
Happy Birthday my little Owen B.!  Mommy loves you very much!

Love, Mommy xoxox

BEAN BAG TOSS -- the Super Why way!

For my boys' Super Hero birthday, we had an obstacle course, and one of the elements was a bean bag toss I made out of an old box.  It was one of the highlights for my boys.  They played with it for weeks before the party.  Here's how I did it:

You'll need:
  • a box with a lid (reinforced with packing tape)
  • paint and paintbrush
  • something sharp to cut holes with
  • a picture of a super hero (I printed mine off the internet)
  • Modge Podge

Step 1:  Paint the box, and use Modge Podge to attach a picture of a Super Hero to the middle of the lid.

Step 2:  Draw four circles on the lid, and cut out with something sharp.  (I used an X-Acto knife.)

Step 3:  Prop up the lid of the box on the bottom of the box to create an angle.  (See picture below.)

That's it -- cheap, easy, and lots of fun

You can buy small balls or bean bags, but if you want to make matching bean bags like I did, here is what you do:
  1. Cut two circles out of felt.
  2. Embelish the top circle.
  3. Add rice to the bottom circle.
  4. Secure with a circle of hot glue and some stitching (to ensure that the rice doesn't fall out)

Happy Tossing!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)  
** If you haven't already "liked" me on facebook, I would love to have you join me here.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy (Birthday Letter)

Today, my baby boy turns two. (Not sure how that happened... time goes by so quickly.)  Check out the picture of when we first met -- a sweetie pie from the very start!  :-)

Birthdays get me thinking about how fast time goes by, and how special these years are with my little boys.  I want to remember the little details, and I came up with the idea of a "Birthday Letter" -- which I wish I had thought of earlier (but better late than never, right?)  I am going to try and do a letter for each boy every year on their birthday.

Here is this year's birthday letter to my sweet boy:

To my baby boy,

Today you turn two... it seems like just yesterday you came into our lives and completed our family.  Here is a "snap shot" of what makes you the most special two year old in the whole world.
  • You have very good manners, and have the sweetest voice when you say, "Thank you, Mommy".  I melt a little every time.
  • You love to cuddle... especially at bedtime, and you always play with my hair when you are tired.
  • You have a special blanket, and you always want to cover yourself in it... even when it is super hot.
  • You love when Daddy tickles you.
  • You love to play with your brothers, and you follow them everywhere.  You especially love playing hide-and-seek, hockey, and cars.
  • When I tuck you in, you always whisper, "Good night, Mommy.  I love you."  I always leave your room smiling.
  • Your favorite foods are: Cheeseburgers, Pizza, and Cookies (just like Daddy).
  • Your favorite shows are: Curious George, Super Why, and The Wiggles.
  • Your favorite books are:  Good Night Moon, Brown Bear, and any book about Hockey.
  • You love music and dancing... and I love to listen to you sing and watch you dance.  (You are definitely trying to keep up with your brothers, and you are doing a great job.)
Happy Birthday sweet Jackie-Jack!  Mommy loves you very much!

Love, Mommy xoxox

Isn't he just the cutest two year old?  :-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Super Cute Monkey and Frog Clips

How cute are these monkey and frog clips?  {FYI... the one in the middle is my three year old little monkey.  Pretty cute, eh?} 

Want to make some for your little monkey?  First, gather your supplies.  You'll need:
  • scraps of felt (green for the frog and brown & tan for the monkey)
  • small black buttons
  • needle and embroidery thread (black, green, and tan)
  • scissors
  • glue gun
  • clips (alligator or snap clips work)
  • templates (Click here for the templates.)
For the Frog clip:

Using the template as a guide, cut a front piece and a back piece from the green felt.

Sew on two button eyes, and use black thread to back-stitch a nose and mouth.

Using green thread attach the front piece to the back piece.  Use a glue gun to attach a clip to the back.

For the Monkey clip:

Using the template as a guide, cut a back piece from the brown felt and a front piece from the tan felt.

On the front piece, sew on two button eyes, and use black thread to back-stitch a nose and mouth.

Using tan thread, attach the front piece to the back piece.  Use a glue gun to attach a clip to the back.

That's it!  If you haven't already, I would LOVE if you would follow me on facebook.  I have lots of tips, tricks, and tutorials to share. 

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)