Super Cute Monkey and Frog Clips

How cute are these monkey and frog clips?  {FYI... the one in the middle is my three year old little monkey.  Pretty cute, eh?} 

Want to make some for your little monkey?  First, gather your supplies.  You'll need:
  • scraps of felt (green for the frog and brown & tan for the monkey)
  • small black buttons
  • needle and embroidery thread (black, green, and tan)
  • scissors
  • glue gun
  • clips (alligator or snap clips work)
  • templates (Click here for the templates.)
For the Frog clip:

Using the template as a guide, cut a front piece and a back piece from the green felt.

Sew on two button eyes, and use black thread to back-stitch a nose and mouth.

Using green thread attach the front piece to the back piece.  Use a glue gun to attach a clip to the back.

For the Monkey clip:

Using the template as a guide, cut a back piece from the brown felt and a front piece from the tan felt.

On the front piece, sew on two button eyes, and use black thread to back-stitch a nose and mouth.

Using tan thread, attach the front piece to the back piece.  Use a glue gun to attach a clip to the back.

That's it!  If you haven't already, I would LOVE if you would follow me on facebook.  I have lots of tips, tricks, and tutorials to share. 

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. So adorable! I am going to have to try this. Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. I love your website. It's nice to se a fellow east coaster in the blogging world! (Even though we are currently displaced in Alberta)


  3. Aww these are adorable! Love it! I'm a new follower from the Sunday Scoop.

    For Love of Cupcakes

  4. These clips are so precious! Fellow East Coaster and newest follower. Would love if you would stop by and share these at my linky party!

  5. These are so cute. I love the idea of animal clips. I'm going to have to make some for my baby daughter's hair.

  6. Those animal hair clips are full of fun! I hope I still have scraps felt on my storage room ‘coz I’ll be making some in a while.

  7. These are absolutely adorable! I can think of so many fun ideas to use them with. I love that they can be made into hairclips, or something fun for my little guy. Thanks for linking up!!

  8. This is my blog Just wondering if it's OK to post some of your ideas as long as I link back to you

    I love your blog and I am sure that my readers would love seeing them Thanks Helen
