High-end Farmhouse EASTER Decor... using a free printable and dollar store supplies

 I love decorating for the holidays, and it's super-fun to craft my own inexpensive decor. For Easter, I was inspired to create some high-end farmhouse Easter decor using items I found at the dollar store. Today, I'm sharing my creations with you, AND I'm giving you the printable signs for FREE.

This is the first one I made. Cute, right?

I was inspired by this inexpensive wooden frame and these adorable little carrots that I found at my local Dollarama.

I started by designing this simple printable sign. 

You can print yours (for free) by: clicking on the picture below, right-clicking, saving it to your computer, and printing it like a regular 8x10 photo.

Then, to make the sign, pop the picture into the frame, and use hot glue to attach the carrots. Seriously... it doesn't get much easier than that!

And, in case you aren't able to find the carrots that I used, you can print the sign with the carrots already included (below).

To print this version of the sign: click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 8x10 photo.

After you print it, just pop it into a dollar store frame, and it's ready to display.

I love both of these pictures because they are perfect for Easter... but they are generic enough that you could display them earlier if you wanted to. 

What do you think?

Gina Bell
 (aka East Coast Mommy)

Find MORE fun Easter ideas here.