DIY Hockey Valentine

My boys have never liked giving out those "store bought" class Valentine's. So, every year, I have tried to come up with a new idea for a treat or trinket they can share with their friends. My older two boys are too old for Valentine's this year, but my youngest son still needs a fun card to share with his friends. Given that he is a lover of all things hockey, I decided to create a simple DIY hockey Valentine this year.

I started by taking a picture of him at the rink. (As you can see, he's trying out being a goalie this year, which is not good for his mother's heart. lol)

Then, I used photo editing software to add a fun message to the top of the Valentine. I love puns, so the Valentine says, "You are top shelf. Happy Valentine's Day!"

I used because it is easy to use, you don't need to download anything, and it's free.

I printed the 4x6 photos, used an x-acto knife to cut two slits in the pictures, and inserted heart-shaped suckers.

And it works for players too! I made this one for my nephew. (You can take a picture of a child shooting top shelf and use "You are top shelf" or you can use a little poem like... "Red lines are red. Blue lines are blue. Hockey is fun, and so are you!"

Isn't this an adorable Valentine?!?! I made enough for my son's class, and it didn't take me long at all.

If you have a hockey fan in your life, you should totally give these DIY Valentines a try this year. You could do a similar thing for other sports too. What sport do your kids play? Would they like this ideas?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS - If you want to give Valentine's to give your teammates, these tags are adorable. Click on the picture below, right-click, save it to your computer and print it like a regular 4x6 photo. Use ribbon to attach it to a package of Excel gum, and you are good to go!

You can find MORE easy and inexpensive 

If you have a hockey fan in the house, you might also like this hockey post.

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