No-sew Sock Bunnies

Several years ago my boys and I made snowmen out of socks. They were fun to make, and absolutely adorable... so I thought it would be fun to make no-sew sock bunnies for Easter. Seriously... how cute are these bunnies?!?!

To make these adorable bunnies, you'll need:
  • a spare sock (I got mine at the dollar store)
  • a pink pom pom for the nose and two white pom poms for under the nose
  • googly eyes
  • ribbon
  • rice
  • fill the sock (approx. 3/4 full) with rice and secure with an elastic
  • use another elastic to separate the body from the head
  • tie a ribbon around the elastic (at the neck)
  • use glue to attach pom poms and googly eyes
  • cut the top in half to create ears and trim to be the size and shape you want

Here is the one I made using a plain white sock.

And here is the one I made using a sock with a heart-shaped pattern. I also left the ears "long and droopy" for this one. What do you think?

I love that you can get a little creative with this craft. I think I might need to make a whole herd of bunnies.

You can also check out a short "how to" video here:

These no-sew sock bunnies make a perfect Easter craft, but you could make them any time of year. I love that you can change the socks, ears, and ribbon. The sky's the limit. Get creative and have some fun!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Don't miss out on any of the fun... follow me on social media here.


Find more easy and inexpensive Easter crafts, recipes and activities here.


  1. my daughter and I had a ball making them. Some of them are a little lopsided but they are still super cute. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. What else could we use besides rice?

    1. I like the rice because it gives it some weight and allows it to stand on its own. However, you could maybe use small pasta or beans instead. You could try cotton batting, but it would be pretty light, and would have trouble standing.

    2. bonjour moi j'utilise de la litière à chat c'est très bien et cela évite d'utiliser du riz

  3. Very cute bunnies. I attend a day-care centre and the clients love crafting.
    This would be ideal for them to try at Easter. If I can do it so can the rest of us. Thank you for an easy and doable craft.

    1. Thank you so much for the sweet comment. I hope you all have fun making bunnies. :-)

  4. I love these what a fab idea thank you for sharing this with us x
