Alphabet Crafts - Letter V

My 4 year old and I are continuing to craft our way through the alphabet, and yesterday we had some fun with the letter V.  We made a Vase craft (with thumbprint flowers), and we did some letter V printing practice.

To make the vase craft:

1)  Draw a simple vase shape on a piece of paper.
2)  Color the vase.
3)  Use paint to make "thumbprint" flower petals.
4)  Add stems and leaves to the flowers (with crayons), and glue buttons onto the centre of the flowers.

Cute, right? After our craft we did a little printing practice. If you want to practice printing the letter V with your little one, you can right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it.

Interested in more "letter v" crafts? Check out this simple "letter v" volcano. Draw a letter V and add some lines to make a volcano. Then, scrunch up bits of tissue paper, and glue them onto to the paper to create lava.

V is also for Valentine's Day, so you could add heart stickers to a V.

And, this "v is for vase" craft could not be cuter. Decorate a vase shape, and make a flower using cardstock, crayons, a picture of the child, and paper straw stem (secured with tape). Cut a couple of slits above the vase, and insert the flower. I love this one!

Fun, right? Next up... the Letter W!

Gina Bell
(aka East Coast Mommy)

Find more alphabet crafts here.

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