Stuffed Animal Storage

There is something about Spring that makes me want to get things organized, so I thought I would share this clever stuffed animal storage solution that I first saw here (at Come Together Kids) -- a bean bag chair cover filled with stuffies.  So clever!

I found my cover at the Dollar Store for only $3!  Then, I let my three year old fill it with stuffed animals.

It is a great storage solution, and a comfy place to cuddle up and read a book.  And it is great for sleeping too.  :-)

What is your biggest organizing challenge?  Maybe I can help.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Visiting from Let's Hear it For the Boys. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend. And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


  2. Oh my goodness, I love this. I am saving it to show my daughter tomorrow. Thank for the great post. Stopping by on the Friday Flash Blog.

    1. Thanks so much! I hope she likes the idea. It worked out great for us. :-)
