Disney Cupcakes

My boys and I love having special snacks while we enjoy our favorite shows/movies.  Recently, we came up with two adorable cupcakes designs -- Rapunzel's Chameleon (Pascal) Cupcakes and Mama Hook's Gold Doubloon Cupcakes.

Aren't they cute?  Here are the instructions:

Mama Hook's Gold Doubloon Cupcakes:
1)  Make your favorite white cupcakes.
2)  Cover each cupcake with blue icing (water).
3)  Add some graham cracker crumbs (sand).
4)  Top each cupcake with a Gold Doubloon (chocolate coin).

This is a perfect treat to enjoy while watching the Jack and the Never Land Pirates.  (One of our favorite shows!)

Rapunzel's Chameleon (Pascal) Cupcakes:
1)  Make your favorite white cupcakes.
2)  Cover each cupcake with green icing.
3)  For the eyes - use white chocolate candy melts and chocolate chips (with chocolate icing for the "glue").
4)  Use chocolate icing to draw a simple nose and mouth.
5)  Use green icing to pipe on eyebrows and the protruding part of its head.

Wouldn't this cute cupcake make the perfect movie snack while watching Disney's Tangled?  

My boys were super-excited about the tray of cupcakes they decorated themselves.

Which of the cupcakes is your favorite?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

Disclosure:  I’m part of the Disney Junior Mom program and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group... but (of course!), the opinions on this blog are 100% my own.