Elf on the Shelf - Letter from Santa announcing his arrival

My boys are {already} getting excited about Christmas, so I thought it would be fun to build some anticipation around the return of our Elf on the Shelf -- "Elfie". What could be more fun than getting a letter in the mail from Santa announcing that our Elf on the Shelf will be arriving soon?!?

So.... I wrote this letter from Santa {to the boys}, and I mailed it today {with a North Pole return address}.

The stationary I used is no longer available, but you can download a .pdf version of Santa stationary that I designed here.

Or you can download this .jpg by clicking on the photo below, saving it to your computer, right-clicking, saving it to your computer, and printing it like a regular 8x10 photo. (Print the stationary, and then run the paper through a second time to print the letter.)

Here is what our letter said,

Dear Boys,

I just wanted to send you a short letter to let you know that Elfie is getting very excited to see you again.  All the scout elves are trying to get lots of rest because they will soon be making nightly flights back to the North Pole.

Are you starting to think about what you might like for Christmas?  My elves have built a lot of great toys this year.  I bet we have something you would really like.  Be good… and keep sharing with each other and listening to your Mommy and Daddy.

Elfie will be visiting you very soon!



PS (Elfie has a surprise for you this year.  Can you guess what it is?)

Fun, right?  I can't wait for our mail carrier to deliver it.  My boys are going to be super-excited to hear that our Elf on the Shelf will be coming soon!

Don't you just love Christmas? 

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (Check out more awesome Elf on the Shelf ideas here.)

Check out a fun idea for an Elf on the Shelf arrival breakfast here.


  1. I can't wait to do this with my little.

  2. I love it and our elf is "elfie" too

  3. A lot of my friends talk about this Elf on the Shelf and kids seem to LOVE it. I think I have to break down and buy one this year. I love that you mailed a letter to your kids from Santa. My kids would be so excited if this came - in fact, I plan to steal your idea. And yes, I do love Christmas - it's by far my favorite holiday.

  4. what is the surprise from elfie???

  5. Thank you so much for posting the link for the Santa letterhead. I typed up a letter that my kids will receive in the mail letting them know that Santa is sending a scout elf to them. Then he will arrive with a sugar-filled breakfast from the North Pole! I think I'm having more fun planning it than they will receiving it!!

    1. Im stealing this idea love it!

  6. How did you get your letter on the stationary itself? I tried to copy and paste into word but no luck?

    1. Google Free PDF converter and convert the PDF file to a word doc., you can then type in the doc

    2. I don't understand how to use the converter. I tried, but don't know what I am suppose to browse.

    3. First, I print the stationary. Then, I print the letter onto it. Works great! :-)

    4. I'm having trouble printing the pdf file. nting the jpeg but it is super big and only prints a 1/4 pf it. Any tips?

    5. Go to this site to get the letterhead: http://designeditor.typepad.com/design_editor/2011/11/free-download-santas-stationery.html

      First, print the letterhead.
      Then, print the letter onto the letterhead.

  7. Thank you for sharing this!

  8. What did you put exactly as the return address? Can't wait to do this next year.
    SweetInSAHMnity at gmail

  9. i luvv da elf idea my kids are being sooooo good ill keep it up year round

    1. i love that i dont have too wacht and see if they are doing good the elf does my job.They will not cry or sceam they know that the elf on the shelf is waching them.Once the elf was in the bathroom and my kids did not want to use the bathroom that day.

  10. I'm 9 and I LOVE my elf Teeny!

  11. hey Gina im a huge fan of your blogs i was hoping you could maybe help me out im searching for official letterhead stationary from the elf on the shelf so our elf can write notes and letters to my litttle one do you know of any websites that have a download or link to one? TIA

  12. I only have the link to this Santa letterhead. Our elf writes teeny tiny notes that are too small for letterhead. He uses a 6 font.

  13. very cool idea - build that anticipation and make it more exciting when he arrives :) thanks for the tip!

  14. My girls are already begging that "Frostina" come down from the NP early this year, but they have been more naughty than nice lately. I took your letter and tweaked it a little :o) Santa told the girls that he,"heard they wanted Frostina to come a little early so he popped down to see if they were ready for her." He went on to say that he was "disappointed in what he saw", and "that over the next few days they will have to work very hard to get ready for her arrival" by "being kind to each other, following directions, and helping to keep the house tidy". I didn't want Santa to be too hard on them, but I want them to know he means business ;o). He also included a P.S. about a surprise... Frostina will be bringing her younger sister (to be named by the girls) with her to help in her scouting duties. We realized that with 2 kiddos and only one elf we might have a custody battle on our hands after they are grown...assuming that is that they will want to carry on the tradition with their children. I'm very curious how they will react to the letter. Thanks so much for posting...it was exactly what I was looking for!

  15. Just printed one out for my kids. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hi Gina.... I just wanted to let your readers know that ANY Elf will do. A couple of years ago, when I first heard about Elf on the Shelf, I couldn't find one at our local mall in any of the big box stores. I was disappointed bc having one sounded like so much fun. A day or two later while at the dollar store buying more craft supplies, I saw they had stuffed Santa's and reindeer and snowmen AND Elves. They had two different Elves, a red one and a green one. They are about 10 inches high and adorable. My kids loved them but I soon found that I needed to thread some wire through their arms and legs so I could make the Elves grasp onto things. This was easy to do and no tools required. I pushed the wire through the material into the stuffing of each Elf limb and then could easily manipulate the wire while it was inside and bend the end of the wire so it wouldn't poke back out and end of sticking one of the kids. I just wanted to let your readers know that there is a less expensive option for those that may want to have more than one Elf (to avoid custody issues lol) or for whatever reason. I hope you don't mind me sharing this alternative here.

    1. Great idea. I know a lot of people with different elves, and they are great! Thanks for sharing.
