Simple Scavenger Hunt {with printable}

This week, the boys and I went on a simple Scavenger Hunt {on a trail near our house}.  We packed our clipboards, pencils and picnic, and off we went.

I decided to keep things simple -- I made a list using words for my six year old and added little pictures for my younger two boys.

You can download a {free} version of the list I made here.

The boys had a great time "checking off" all the things on the list, and I really enjoyed our walk through the woods.  :-)

Have you ever taken your little ones on a Scavenger Hunt?  If not, why not print off my list and give it a try?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Found you through Pinterest! Saw this repinned several times. Wanted to say thanks & that I'm now following you via your blog and Pinterest!
    ~Kelly @

  2. I've pinned this so I can use it at a later date. Now that I understand you don't actually need to bring the stuff back with you it feels more doable ; )

  3. Thank you!! So clever!! And I think when you put anything on a clipboard they find it immediately "adult" and want to do it even MORE LOL

  4. You had me at "simple"! I love your ideas because they are just that, simple. In my world that translates to do-able. Thanks for all of your ideas. I'm always looking for outdoor activities for my boys.

  5. What a great activity (and printable)! Thanks for so generously sharing it! I featured your printable as the Free Printable of the Day at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page:

  6. They’re fascinating to look at, all caught up with what they’re doing. :D I think it was great to add pictures on the list. To make sure the younger ones get to enjoy the activity as much as their older brother. I also just treated my kids to a pirate-themed scavenger hunt last week. We had a blast! I think I’ll try a nature-inspired one like yours next. ;)

  7. Love this idea! Thanks for linking it to FB, I am definitely going to make my own for our picnic! :)

  8. What a great idea! I use your ideas in my primary classroom. They love using cliipboards.

    1. It always makes me happy to know that teachers are using my ideas in their classrooms. Thanks for sharing! :-) PS (My boys love clipboards too.)

  9. This is great love how simple it is for the little one to use the list himself and find these items . It will be fun to do . I'm thinking we're going to make it a golf cart adventure this week. Thank you.

  10. I made a list using words for my six year old and added little pictures for my younger two boys.Adult Scavenger Hunt Clues
