{Life Size} Self Portrait

Here is a quick little post about an activity that your child will love... creating a life size self portrait.  It is a perfect rainy day creative endeavour.  :-)

This is so easy and lots of fun!  All you need is some "banner" paper and crayons.  {I got a big roll of paper at IKEA, but I have also seen it at Walmart.}

Here's what to do:

Mom - Get the child to lie down on the paper, and trace the outline of their body onto the paper.  {Be careful... this can be a very "ticklish" part.}

Child - Color the picture to look like you.

That's it!  My boys were very proud of their drawings.  Cute, right?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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1 comment:

  1. We wI'll do this today - thank you! My son has hicken pox at the moment so we will enjoy putting on the spots!! ( children are not vaccinated against chicken pox in the uk)
