It's NOT about Perfection

I had such a great response to my I am NOT a Supermom post a couple of weeks ago, that I thought I would share something my six year old reminded me of last week:  It is fun to make crafts with kids, but it really doesn't matter how they turn out.

The other day, my son came up with a craft all on his own.  {See above.}  He asked me for the supplies he needed, and he went to work.  He was super-proud of the Valentine decoration he came up with.

Craft/projects don't have to be difficult or fancy.  The point of doing projects with kids is:  to spend time together and to let them be creative. 

I LOVE when my kids teach me important lessons.  :-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Brilliant! We all need that reminder from time to time!

  2. The main thing is that they have fun.

  3. I could not agree more. The experience of making something, the sensation of using your hands to create, and the confidence of having and idea and carrying it out - much more important than Martha Stewart-level perfection!
