Tissue Box Easter Bunny Baskets

Doesn't every mom with little ones go through a ton of tissue boxes?  Why not turn your trash into this adorable tissue box bunny basket? It's the perfect Easter craft for kids!

Don't you just LOVE this simple Easter craft?

You’ll need:  tissue box, white paint & a paint brush, black marker or black paint, googly eyes, pompom or cotton ball, a button, pipe cleaner, card stock, and scissors.

Here's what you do:
1)  Paint the tissue box white.  Then, use one end of the box to create a face.  Glue on googly eyes and a button nose, and draw or paint a mouth and whiskers.

2)  Glue a pompom onto the opposite end of the box.  This is the bunny’s tail.

3)  To make the basket handle, use a hole punch to make a hole on each side of the box.  Thread a pipe cleaner through the holes and secure the ends by twisting. 

4)  To finish… cut out bunny ear shapes, fold the bottom to make a little tab, and glue onto the box.

That’s it!  Isn't this tissue box Easter basket adorable? The only thing left to do is fill your adorable basket with yummy Easter goodies. Happy Easter!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

PS (You can find more easy and inexpensive Easter ideas and DIYs here.)


  1. This is so cute and what a great idea to use those empty tissue boxes! I love it!

  2. I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your bunny! You can see it here:


    If you have other kid friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a fun project idea!
