Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 17th Birthday

Every year on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters. I'm hoping to created little "snapshots" of their personalities that they can look back on see how special they were to me at every stage of their lives. Today, I'm sharing the birthday letter I wrote for my middle son on his 17th birthday.

My sweet boy,

As you turn 17, I can't help but think about how close you are getting to adulthood. Before you reach your next birthday, you will graduate from high school, and start a whole new journey. For now, I will treasure every moment I have left with you living under my roof. You are a special boy, and I couldn't be more proud to be your mother.

  • Hockey and golf are your passions, and you work hard to be the best you can be at both. I'm proud of your positive attitude, team mentality, and personal effort.
  • You are one of the most empathetic and loyal people I know. I'm not surprised that you have so many great friends.
  • A few weeks ago you got your licence, and you are enjoying the increased independence. It's stressful for me, but you are a really good driver.
  • You are enjoying your job at the golf course with your brother, and you are an excellent employee.
  • You love chicken broccoli pesto pasta, cereal, and gummy bears.
I love how close you and your brothers are, and I love when we all spend time together. I hope you enjoy our family movie nights and vacations as much as I do.

Continue to be the kind, strong-willed, hardworking, smart, active, loving boy that you are. 

I love you to the moon and back!

Mom xox

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