10 NEW Dollarama Christmas Finds & DIYs... celebrate well for less!

I love dollar store finds, don't you? It's a great way to celebrate holidays for less. Today, I am sharing fabulous, budget-friendly finds, and DIYs that you are going to make your Christmas very merry.

For a closer look, you can check out the video I made... or keep scrolling for a written version.

1) I love this dollar store bowl that I found in the "planter" / "pot" section. I filled it with Epsom salts, and added a few acrylic reindeer ornaments. It would also be cute with bottle brush trees and mini Christmas houses and trucks. Use your imagination, and have fun with it!

2) Dollar store (or thrift store) frames are perfect to pair with vintage prints. Search for old pictures that are in the "public domain". Then, print at a local copy store and insert into the frame. Easy peasy!

3) Wrapping gifts in handmade packaging makes them even more special, and dollar store brown bags are perfect for DIYing. Add a circle of red cardstock or leather, glue on antlers and googly eyes, and draw on a mouth to create a super-cute reindeer bag.

4) The dollar store has fantastic crafting supplies, and these little wooden snowflakes are adorable. I have plans to use them to make Christmas tree ornaments. What would you use them for?

5) I love gifting baked goods to family and friends during the holidays, and the dollar store has a large number of adorable packaging options. I love the black and white buffalo check bags, and the clear top boxes are adorable too. The stickers are wonderful for sealing packages shut and are great for the backs of Christmas cards too.

6) The dollar store has everything you need for entertaining. Don't forget to pick up some of their fantastic napkins, and grab a packaged of their wooden spoons. The spoons are perfect for dipping in chocolate and adding to a hot chocolate bar.

7) Tree collars are very trendy, but they are pretty pricey. I grab this dollar store basket, cut it up, and popped it around the base of my tree. I think it's pretty cute for a couple of dollars.

8) Don't walk by the Christmas ornaments at the dollar store without stopping for a closer look. I am planning a gingerbread theme this year, so I brought home these adorable ornaments.

9) The dollar store has wonderful, budget-friendly treat options, but these cookies are definitely worth trying. They are a perfect festive treat to add to a hot chocolate bar.

10) I love a cozy blanket, and this furry throw from my local Dollarama is a great option. It comes in a few different colours, and it's well worth the price.

What do you think of my latest finds? Have you found anything good lately?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

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