Rock Painting for Beginners

Painting rocks is a wonderful creative endeavor. It's a perfect easy and inexpensive activity that kids and adults can do together. It's also a fantastic way to add colour and kindness to the world. Today, I'm sharing some tips for painting rocks... and I've got some painted rock inspiration for you too!

To paint rocks:

1) Collect a variety of rocks.
2) Make sure the rocks are clean and dry.
3) Pick a simple design.
4) Choose bright colours.
5) Paint the rocks. (I mostly use acrylic paint from the dollar store, but using paint markers is fun too!)
6) Finish with a sealer (if they are going to be outside).

Here are some of the designs my boys came up with.

I particularly love these little penguins they painted.

And how cute are the Minion rocks?

And I painted these simple rocks. I'm not an artist, but I'm really happy with the way they turned out. 

And my kids made these cute ones!

Painted rocks make great decor, paperweights, and garden decorations. You can turn them into games (like Tic Tac Toe), and they are also a great way to spread kindness. You can leave them along trails and roads to brighten the days of people walking by. Fun, right?

Have you ever painted rocks? What kind of designs did you do? I'm always looking for new ideas and inspiration.

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

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