DIY Mother's Day Canvas

When it comes to Mother's Day, there is nothing better than receiving gifts and cards crafted by little hands. I always love getting homemade goodies from my boys on Mother's Day, and today I am sharing a wonderful DIY Mother's Day art project you are going to have your kids make for you.

Start with an inexpensive canvas. (I got this one at the dollar store.)

Place a paper or sticker heart in the middle of the canvas.

Use paint to cover the canvas with bright and beautiful colours. I used straight lines, but the canvas can be painted any way the artists likes.

Keep painting until the entire canvas is covered.

Then, remove the heart from the centre of the canvas.

At this point, the canvas can be left as it is, or the child can write "mom" (or something else) in the centre of the heart.

Isn't it cute?

This is such a lovely art project for kids, and it makes a great gift for kids to share with their moms.

What is your favourite way to celebrate Mother's Day? If you love simple homemade gifts and treats, I hope you give this little project a try!

Gina Bell
(aka East Coast Mommy)

Find more simple ways to celebrate Mother's Day here.


  1. This is such a great craft!

    1. Thanks so much. I love it too. It's just so pretty and colourful!
