Neighborhood Photo Scavenger Hunt

I love an activity that gets kids outside (and away from electronics), don't you? So, what could be more fun than a neighbourhood photo scavenger hunt? Today I am sharing a fun, printable scavenger hunt that is perfect for kids of all ages. It's a fun activity for a family, but it would be a fantastic group activity too.

To play, every kid (or team) needs a list and something to take pictures with. I gave my kids my phone, and this is what they came back with...

Cute, right? 

To download a copy of the list I used with my boys: click on the picture of the list, save it to your computer, and print it on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet piece of paper.

OR... you can download a pdf version here.

I hope you enjoy this neighbourhood photo scavenger hunt with your family. It's a great activity for spring, summer, or fall.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

You can find another version (which is fun for younger kids) here.