A Birthday Letter to my Youngest Son... on his 10th birthday

Every year, I take some time to write my boys letters on their birthdays. The annual letters are my way of remembering exactly what they are like at each stage of their lives. I hope someday they look back at their letters and see how special they were and how much I loved every year I got to spend with them. Today, my youngest son turns 10... and here is his letter.

My dearest "baby" boy,

I can't believe you are in double digits. It seems like only yesterday we dropped your older brothers off at school and spent our days having adventures together. I loved the hours we spent reading stories and playing with your farm when you were little, but I am having a lot of fun with you now too. Here are some of the reasons I love you to the moon and back:

  • You were a boy who started elementary full of shyness and anxiety, and this coming September you are headed to Junior High School with a new found confidence. I am so proud of how far you have come.
  • You have lots of friends, but your brothers and cousins have a special place in your heart.
  • I'm still in awe of your unique way of quietly observing the world. You always ask the best questions.
  • You are super-funny. We especially love when you put on your housecoat, hang your medals around your neck, and rap.
  • You love all things sports... especially hockey, softball, basketball, and golf. You also love to ride your bike.
  • Your favourite food is multi grain wheat thin crackers. I buy you one box a week, and you usually eat them in one sitting.
  • Green is your favourite colour, you love when I read you stories (in a soft voice) at bedtime, and you look forward to our Friday night family movie nights.
  • You love sleep. You often ask to go to bed when you are tired... which is good because you get pretty cranky when you are overtired.
  • You give the best cuddles (and I have my fingers crossed that you let me tuck you in and read you stories for many years to come).
Even though you are in double digits now, you will always be my baby boy. Happy 10th birthday, sweet boy!




  1. Your letters make me cry every single time. There will be a day where your sweet boys will value them more than any material object - you should create a book for each of them that you print when they are each 18. What a memory.

    1. I am hoping to do that. They mean a lot to me, so I hope they mean a lot to them.
