A Birthday Letter to my Middle Son on his 12th Birthday

Every year, on my boys' birthdays, I write them letters letting them know how special they are to me. I think of the letters as written "snapshots" of the previous year. I hope I am able to capture a little bit of their personalities on paper. Today, I am sharing a birthday letter for my middle son on his 12th birthday.

My Darling Middle Son,

You are a bright light with a big heart and eyes that sparkle. You add a fun and positive energy to our family, and I am blessed to be able to be your mother. Here are some of things that make you special:

  • You make friends easily, and you are kind to everyone you meet. You draw people in with your easy going personality.
  • You suffered the loss of a very special friend this year. Your heart was broken, but you are bravely moving forward. I am so proud of you, and I know your memories will remain with you for the rest of your life and make you a better person.
  • You love to be on the move. Hockey is your favourite sport, but you are pretty much a fan of anything with a ball or puck.
  • We went on a family cruise this year, and you had a great time. You are always up for a new adventure... especially when you are with your brothers and cousins.
  • You love listening to music, and you know the words to an incredible number of songs. You also have an excellent memory when it comes to the plots of Avenger movies.
  • You are great at figuring out how things work, and you really enjoy building with LEGO.
  • You have no sense of urgency. You take your time with everything, and you love to say, "Just a few more minutes."
  • You love to cuddle, and have no problem hugging me in front of your friends. I don't know how long it will last, but I'll take it while I can get it!
You are strong-willed, and you sometimes drive me crazy, but I wouldn't change a thing. Your big heart and sparkling personality will take you far, and I'll always be your biggest cheerleader.



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