Tips for Managing Airborne Allergens

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For those of you who follow my blog regularly, you know that I have been testing out the Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier in my son's room. He struggles with airborne allergens, and I have been trying to help him breathe more comfortably at home. My biggest challenge has been that I am fighting something I can't see, but my new air purifier has helped me by making the invisible visible. 

Since I haven't heard my son coughing in the night for a while, I think that what I've been doing has been helping him. Here are the steps I have taken to help my son with his airborne allergies:

1) I keep his window closed, and I close the door to his room. When his window or his door is opened, I can see the numbers on his Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier rise... which means there are more allergens entering his room. It's been a good lesson for me, and it was something I didn't think of before I had the air purifier.

2) I keep his room clean. If I dust, vacuum, and change his sheets frequently, I've found it improves the air quality in his room a lot. Plus, when I shake out the bedding in his room, I can see an immediate rise in dust particles in the air.

3) I try and keep his room as free from clutter as I can. It's hard to make a kid's room clutter-free, but I try to reduce it where I can. With less clutter, there are fewer items to collect dust and it is easier to clean his room.

4) I monitor the outdoor air quality. The Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier comes with an app that alerts me to poor air quality conditions outside. In real-time, AeroSense shows you the air quality data from anywhere with the connected app. The Air Purifier constantly feeds indoor air quality data to the app, which is then combined with outdoor pollution and pollen data to give me a complete picture of indoor and outdoor air quality. Of course, I don't forbid my son to go outside when the air quality is bad, but it provides me information that I can use to help my son prepare for air conditions outside. For example, I might suggest he have a shower as soon as he comes in from playing outside if pollen counts are high.

5) I use my Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier to keep the air in his room clean. I can't control the allergens that he encounters outside, but I can make sure that the air in his room is clean so that he can get the best sleep possible. My air purifier automatically monitors and purifies the air. Thanks to a 3 layer filtering system (pre filter, active carbon, and heap filter), it removes 99.7% of allergens from the air. Philips AeraSense technology continuously monitors the air and automatically adjusts the fan speed when it detects a change in particles. It's easy to use, easy to clean and easy to change the filters too!

Does someone in your home struggle with airborne allergens? How do you manage their day to day? I hope you find my tips helpful. If you have any questions that I can answer for you, please let me know... or if you want to find out more about the Philips Series 2000i Connect Air Purifier, you can do so here.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

*Disclosure: I have partnered with Philips Canada and have received compensation for this post. However, this post reflects my own opinions and experience with this product and does not necessarily reflect claims from Philips Canada.

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