My NEW ally in my battle with my son's airborne allergens

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I have never suffered with allergies, so it is not something I have ever given much thought to. I have heard people talking about allergy symptoms, and I have seen TV commercials about allergy medications, but allergies were never something that concerned me... that is, until my youngest son started coughing at night and complaining about having itchy eyes. So, when Philips* approached me recently about trying out the Philips 2000i Air Purifier, I jumped at the chance to test it out in my son's bedroom.

My lack of experience regarding airborne allergies is tough for me as a mother because I want to do everything I can to keep my children healthy and happy. I love the idea of cleaning the air in my son's room. I can't control the allergens he comes into contact with outside our home, but I am hoping that reducing airborne allergens in his bedroom will help his dry, itchy eyes... and allow him to get the sleep he needs to succeed as we move into another busy school year (and hockey season). (Note: While in night mode, the Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier stays quiet and turns off all the lights so that your child can have a restful sleep.)

I have never used an air purifier, so I didn't know what to expect. When it arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to set up and operate. I basically took the plastic off the three filters (the washable pre-filter, the active carbon filter, and the true HEPA filter) and plugged in the machine. It was super easy.

There is even a simple app that you can download that helps you analyze the air quality outside and in the room. The app makes it really easy to easily see air quality... it makes the invisible, visible!

The Philips Air purifier senses, reacts, and visibly works to reduce allergens, odours, volatile organic compounds and even certain bacteria. It automatically monitors and purifies the air, and it gives you a visual cue that your air is cleaner.

Are you interested in learning more about the Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier? Do you want to reduce the allergens, gases and odors in your house? 

Over the next couple of months, I will be sharing some of the product's features with you, and I will be letting you know how we are liking it. In the meantime, you can find the Philips Series 2000i Connected Air Purifier at Canadian Tire, Hudson's Bay Company, Amazon, and specialty appliance retails. Or you can just purchase it online here.

Do you have an air purifier? Do you like it? Got any tips for me? Feel free to leave any advice or questions in the comments below.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

*Disclosure: I have partnered with Philips Canada and have received compensation for this post. However, as always, all opinions expressed on this blog are my own.


  1. My two oldest boys suffer from environmental allergies, and it can be hard! I do anything I can to help minimize their reactions!

    1. I know, right? It's so hard to battle something you can't see.

  2. I will have to look into this machine as have many of the same symptoms. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's really easy to use, and there is even an app that tracks pollen inside and outside.
