Last Day of School Class Treats: BALLS (with free printable tags)

This is my boys' last week of school, and they want to bring treats to share with their classmates on the last day. I think it's fun to make punny tags to attach to little trinkets, and today I am sharing the two different last day of school treats my boys are sharing with their friends this year.

My middle son decided that he wanted to give out bouncy balls and KitKat bars. I packaged the two items in little cellophane bags, and I added a tag that says, "It was a BALL having you in my class. Enjoy your summer BREAK!" Cute, right?

To download the tags I designed: click on the photo below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

I think the kids are going to love these adorable treats.

My youngest son isn't allowed to bring edible treats to his school, so he is bringing balls and little bottles of slime. I think these packages are equally cute, so I don't think they'll miss the sugar at all!

To download the tags I designed: click on the photo below, right-click, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo.

 Don't these little goodie bags look cute? I love the bright colours.

I think sharing treats with friends is a great way to end a school year. The treats are small, but I am sure the kind gesture will be appreciated.

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

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