5 Ways to Get Kids Excited About Summer Reading (and a GIVEAWAY from TD Summer Reading Club)

Is there anything better for children than reading? I have always tried to nurture a love of reading in my home, but the summer can be a tough time to get my active boys to sit down with a book. Today, I am sharing 5 ways that I get my boys excited about summer reading. Reading doesn't have to be a chore; it can be a source of summer fun!

1) Make a journal - Reading and writing can be fun for kids when they have a colourful, customized journal. A "Mom and Me" or "Dad and Me" journal is a wonderful way for kids and parents to write notes to each other all summer. Diaries and travel journals are also fantastic. My boys like to write in their journals when they climb into bed at the end of the day.

2) Visit the library - Libraries are an endless source of summer reading inspiration, and many have fun (and free) summer reading programs. Summer reading programs are a wonderful way to get kids motivated to read and explore new activities during the summer months. (Visit your local library, and check out the TD Summer Reading Club* here.)

3) Make a summer reading list - Making a list of books to read can be a great way to get kids excited about reading. Kids can set goals and maybe even earn a reward (like a trip to the an ice cream stand) for completing their list. If kids need help getting started, you can check out the TD Summer Reading Club suggestions here.

4) Take it outside - The summer is the perfect time to get outside and read. Read signs on a road trip, read in a tent, read at the park, read at the beach, etc... Challenging the kids to read in 5 different places will help to keep them motivated!

5) Host a summer reading party - Share the love of reading with friends in your community. Have a book swap, make bookmarks, and enjoy a special book-themed snack.

If you are struggling to get the kids reading this summer, I hope you try some of my simple ideas. And don't forget to check out the TD Summer Reading Club*. It makes it easy for kids to keep reading all summer long by connecting families with books, inspiring a sense of play through reading, building confidence and celebrating accomplishments. 

And to help you and your kids on your summer reading journey, I am giving away a set of 10 books from the TD Summer Reading Club. Enter here:

Entry-Form (CONTEST CLOSED - Winner is Carolyn B.)

Good luck, and happy reading!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

*Disclosure: I have partnered with YMC and TD Summer Reading Club and have received compensation for this post. All opinions in the post are my own.


  1. It is so important to instill a love for reading at an early age! Our kids are older now but still read constantly.

  2. My son enjoys the Captain Underpants series books!

  3. Pinkalicious is my girl current favorite!

  4. Love You Forever by RObert Munsch is my favorite.

  5. My daughter loves Pinkalicious!

  6. Funny story: came into my daugther's room to find she had written the names Todd & Robert on the wall (she's 6). Asked why - they are the names of her favourite author, Todd Parr & Robert Munsch. ~Jenna

  7. My kids LOVE any Robert Munsch Books! They all have a different favorite one, but my favorite is We share everything!

  8. My kids love their readers (age appropriate books) in Star Wars, LEGO, Avengers

  9. Green eggs and ham is an all time fave!

  10. Piggies is a fun one for my girl!

  11. My granddaughter really likes Rosie Revere Engineer at the moment.

  12. Bears on wheels has been read quite often!

  13. green eggs and ham for the win :)

  14. My favourite children's book is Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney. It was my daughter's first book when she was born!

  15. Oh The Thinks you can Think (Dr. Seuss) has been read the most here I think!

  16. My granddaughter loves Olivia books too!

  17. A moose in a maple tree always makes my kiddo smile!

  18. If you give a mouse a cookie!

  19. Anything by Robert Munsch is also popular!

  20. Just me & my mom! by Mercer Myer

  21. My fave is a classic, The Velveteen Rabbit.

  22. Stone Soup, reading this one to my kiddo totally takes me back to my own childhood!

  23. My granddaughter loves anything Disney as well.

  24. We enjoy Classic Fairy tales!

  25. No David NO! makes my kiddo laugh!
