5 Reasons Kids Should Play Sports

Like many moms, my free time and disposable income are totally consumed by my boys' athletic endeavors. Our schedule can sometimes be overwhelming, but I truly believe that sports can be a very important part of childhood. Being involved in sports has been fun for my boys, and it has made them confident and nurtured their competitive spirit. Today, I am sharing 5 reasons why kids should play sports.

Whether they play pick up games with the neighborhood kids or they get involved with competitive sports teams, kids can benefit greatly from getting active and playing sports during their childhood. Based on my experience with my boys (7, 9, and 11), here are 5 reasons that I believe children should play sports:

1) They learn to lose. Playing sports teaches children the joy of winning and the agony of defeat. Life is full of wins and loses and hits and misses, and sports provide a wonderful opportunity to learn to do both with grace at an early age.

2) They learn about discipline, leadership, and work ethic. Sports teach children about working hard, commitment, planning and setting goals. These skills will serve them well in their athletic endeavors, in their schoolwork, and in their adult careers.

3) They make friends, gain confidence and learn about working as a team. Strong bonds form between coaches and teammates, and these friendships can last a lifetime. Also, the self-esteem boost gained from being an athlete helps children to be confident, and this confidence helps them build positive relationships with their peers.

4) They learn to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Playing sports encourages children to eat well and stay active. These habits formed in childhood will likely stay with children as they move into adulthood.

5) They have FUN!

Keeping my boys active is very important to me, and I hope they continue to love their sports and activities! How do you keep your kids active?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Hello
    Sport is really important for the health and the soul!
    Lovely kids!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
