Tips for Encouraging Kids to be Active... and turn off their electronics

As a mom of three boys between the ages of 7 and 11, I understand the importance of keeping kids active. I truly believe that getting kids to play sports is critical to their physical, mental and emotional well-being. I also understand that in this age of technology, it is getting increasingly difficult to get kids to turn off their electronics and get moving. So, today I am sharing some simple and helpful tips for encouraging kids to be active.

Find what they love. -- My boys all love hockey, but they also enjoy anything that involves running around or playing with a ball or puck. I encourage them to participate in organized sports, but I also urge them to take part in unstructured physical endeavors too. I love to watch them play neighborhood games of ball, tag, Frisbee, or hide and seek… and I enjoy watching them go on bike rides/runs/hikes too. If they are moving and smiling, I’m happy!

Support them. Encourage them. Watch them. Cheer for them. -- I really try and teach my kids that the point of playing sports is not winning… it’s about working hard and doing their best. I want my boys to know that I love to watch them play and that I am always proud of them.

Set them up for success. -- I feel that my role as a parent is to help make sure my boys have the things they need to succeed. I get them the gear they require, help them fuel their bodies with healthy foods., and teach them to be disciplined and respectful.

Make it fun. -- Childhood sports are about being active, dreaming big, working hard, and having fun… period.

Are your kids into being active and having fun? How do you encourage their efforts?

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

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