Allergy-safe and Candy-free Easter Class Treats

Bringing Easter treats to share with classmates is a fun tradition that my boys enjoy partaking in each year. Festive cookies and cupcakes are always a hit with little ones... but because my boys' schools have strict nutrition and allergy policies, they always bring fun "non food" items for their friends. This year we are using pictures to create some adorable Easter treats.
My youngest son found some Easter pens at the dollar store that he wanted to give his friends this year. To make the pens special, we are attaching them to special pictures of my son.

I started by taking a picture of my sweet boy standing in front of a tablecloth that we purchased at the dollar store. Then, I used to add an easter picture to the front of his shirt and to add a holiday greeting to the photo.

Then, I got the pictures developed, and I used an X-Acto knife to make a slit above and below my son's fist...

and I slipped a pen into the slots so that it looks like my son is holding the pen.

Cute, right? It was a simple treat to make, and my little guy is super-excited to share these photos with his friends.

My middle son selected some stretchy dollar store bunnies to share with his class. We created smaller tags using his photo and, and we attached the tags to the bunnies using clear bags and curling ribbon. I love this little treat too, don't you?

Are you making anything special for your kids to share with their friends and/or classmates? If you are looking for a candy-free Easter treat option, perhaps one of these ideas will work for you.

Happy Easter!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. That is a wonderful idea to give as present to the friends. I have planned to make small treat bags for the friends of my son which he has hand crafted for the occassion.

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