Under the Sea Crafts

I teach a weekly craft class to Preschoolers, and we always make cute crafts related to a fun theme. Today, I am sharing some simple "Under the Sea" crafts that are totally adorable!

Cute, right?

To make a paper bag fish:
1) Have the children decorate a paper bag.
2) Stuff the bag with tissue paper.
3) Use a piece of twine to close the bag and create a tail.
4) Use glue to add googly eyes.

To make a paper plate fish:
1) Cut a mouth from the plate and attach it as a tail.
2) Use glue and 1-inch squares of tissue paper to cover the fish.
3) Use tape to attach a popsicle stick to the back of the fish.
4) Use glue to attach a googly eye.

To make a sticker octopus:
1) Cut a circle from a piece of yellow construction paper, and glue it onto a blue sheet of construction paper.
2) Use stickers to create legs.
3) Draw a face.
4) Attach googly eyes with glue.

I also love this paper bag jellyfish craft. It's perfect for practicing scissor skills. Color the bag, Cut strips, add googly eyes, and tape a popsicle stick to the back.

And how cute is this "scuba diver" craft? Kids colour the picture, and then they glue on: their face, flippers, and a pipe cleaner snorkel.

There are many ideas for an "under the sea" theme, but I think these three crafts are fantastic. They are really cute, and they are wonderful crafts for practicing fine motor skills. Do you have a little one that would enjoy these "under the sea" crafts?

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)

1 comment:

  1. J’adore vraiment ce que vous faites, bravo !!! Merci bien de partager avec nous cet article .
