Summer Survival HACKS

Summer is fantastic, but sometimes busy moms (and dads) need a little help. Today, I am sharing a few summer survival HACKS that you are going to love!

You'll never hear "I'm bored" again. With this summer checklist (that you can print for FREE here), there will always be a new adventure waiting around the corner.

Keep "little campers" happy and full with a variety of fun campfire snacks and a simple s'more bar. You can download the FREE s'mores bar sign I designed here.

Don't forget the wipes for sticky fingers. Baby wipes are a summer staple at my house, and my boys have been out of diapers for many years!

What's summer without a special ice cream treat? Check out some of my favorite simple and delicious ice cream creations here.

It's always helpful for parents to have a well stocked craft supply cupboard and a few ideas for simple summer crafts. Your little ones will love these simple summer crafts, and you will love the step-by-step instructions and templates.

It would be great if the sun shone every day during the summer, but the reality is... there will be rainy days when the kids are stuck inside. Here are a few sanity savers for rainy days.

If the thought of packing up everything and hitting the open road seems overwhelming, opt for a staycation. A backyard camping "trip" is the perfect stress-free summer adventure.

This simple summer survival HACK is a fantastic idea for backyard barbeques and campfires. Fill water balloons and freeze them to create festive (and functional) ice packs. So clever!

Bumps and bruises are common when kids are running around the neighbourhood in the warm weather, so a fully stocked first aid kit is critical. Check out my "dollar store" version here.

I encourage you try out some of the summer survival HACKS, and I hope you have a fantastic summer!

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


  1. Super bien fait et très bons documents, très agréable à parcourir bonne continuation à bientôt.

  2. Merci beaucoup votre site et vos conseils sont super !
