First Day of School Class Treats (for smart cookies)... with free printable tags

My boys are heading back to school next week, so this week we are busy labelling school supplies and finding sneakers that fit everyone. We are also putting together some treats to share with their classmates on the first day of school. Check out the adorable first day of school treats and sweet printable tags they will be handing out to their friends.

Cute, right? It's a simple idea, but it is a sweet and thoughtful treat.

Each of my boys chose their favorite (peanut free) type of cookie, and I designed a tag to staple to the top of each bag.

To download the tags I designed (for free): right-click on the picture below, save it to your computer, and print it like a regular 4X6 photo. Each print can be cut into three tags.

Isn't taking a special treat on the first day of school a fun idea? And these first day of school class treats are super-easy and inexpensive to put together. No baking required!

Are you ready to send the kids back to school? I wish it could be summer forever, but I have a feeling that Fall is coming whether I am ready or not. ;-)

Gina Bell (aka East Coast Mommy)


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