10 Netflix Movies the Whole Family Will Enjoy

Every Friday night, we have "family movie night" at our house. We have pancakes for supper, and we snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie together. It is one of my favorite family rituals, but it can sometimes be difficult to find movies that everyone agrees on... so, today I am sharing a list of 10 movies that the whole family will enjoy (and they can all be found on Netflix).

Some of our favorite Netflix movies are:

1) Inside Out
2) Alvin and the Chipmunks Chipwrecked
3) Despicable Me 2
4) Home
5) Diary of a Wimpy Kid
6) Penguins of Madagascar The Movie
7) Lilo & Stitch
8) Mr. Peabody and Sherman
9) The Pacifier
10) How to Train a Dragon 2

We all look forward to our family's "night in", and we try to make it extra special when we can.

Here are some simple ideas for creating a fun-filled family movie night:

1) Make movie night a tradition by having it on the same night every week. It gives everyone something to look forward to.

2) Pair your movie with a favorite meal. (We always have pancakes for supper on movie night, but Pizza Friday would be fun too.)

3) Pick a good family movie... one that everyone will enjoy. If consensus is difficult, let the kids take turns making the selection.

4) Use special dishes. (I have popcorn bowls from the dollar store that we only use on movie nights.)

5) Set the scene with a special sign or two. We have a “Movie Snacks” sign and a “Now Playing” sign that we use.

6) Get comfy. PJs are the perfect attire for family movie night, and it makes the transition to bedtime (after the movie) easier.

7) Have movie snacks. Popcorn is always a good choice, but pick whatever your family enjoys.

It’s also fun to “mix it up” some weeks by adding something special. E.g. Choose a fun theme, have an outdoor screening, make a craft to go along with the movie, or bake a special treat.

Does your family have a favorite movie to watch together, or do you have a special "family night in" tradition? I'd love to hear about it!

Gina (aka East Coast Mommy)

Disclosure: I receive special gifts and perks as part of my affiliation with Netflix.... however (as always) the opinions on this blog are 100% my own.


  1. Awesome movie picks! We love movies and I can't wait until my girls are a bit older and we can implement family movie night. :)
